Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Ryan's POV

I just hate my father. I always knew he did not love me like a father loves his son, but I thought at least he would care for me, but now I am sure he did not even care for me.

After he told, or more like ordered me, I just blew up and started shouting and told him what a ungrateful and foolish person he is. I strictly denied his order and told that the relationship between me and Chloe is going great and I won't ruin it for him.

He was calm. I knew this is the calmness which is present before the storm. He gave me a choice.

Either mate or pack.

The pack which me and my mom had made the strongest. He said he will take that pack which he had very less knowledge about. That pack that mom worked so hard for. That pack in which the pack members itself hated him.

How could he take that?

I wanted my Chloe too, because it was not just the mate bond between us, there was more. She was just the mate I wanted with that same characteristics. She was kind, gentle, helpful, sarcastic, little short-tempered; but all in all, perfect.

And I didn't even know who that friend of dad is or who his daughter is.

Then why should I mate with her? I know what my decision is and I hope it's correct. I know until I become Alpha I won't mate so I have a perfect plan to get these both.

I just hope it works out, because both of these are what I worked so hard for.

I can't imagine losing my pack or Chloe.
Chloe's POV

I woke up early today so that I could help mom with her work. She had taken a leave from her office today. Dad had gone to office. So it was only us.

Often, I used to check if there's any messages from Ryan. But there were none. I had gotten used it by evening and had stopped checking. 

According to dad, his second family was coming for supper. After all the preparations were done, we were waiting for them. In that group of three, my mom only liked Mac because he is the kindest person you will ever meet. He is not like his mom, dad or sister. He's so different, like someone with totally different genes.

All the food items mom prepared are all his favorites. For mom, her mother, me and Mac are the only close family she has.

When the bell rang I went and opened the door. On the opposite side of the door there stood Rye, Allie and Mac. Mac greeted me with a sweet smile while the other two just glared at me.

The feeling is mutual guys.

So I let them enter. The second Allie enters the house, she screams.

"Daddyyyyyy, where are you? Your favorite daughter is here", giving me a side glare. Me, Mac and mom scoffed together. It was funny to see the look of defeat in her face when she didn't get any response. I and Mac had to control our laughter until mom narrowed her eyes.

"Come on, dinner table is ready!", mom called from the living room. We all reached and sat. Rye continuously flirted with dad and glared at us.

Mom's phone rang and she stood and left to get it. When she returned she was smiling like she just got something really really great.

"Mom, what happened?"

"I really wanted to say this for a long time. Thomas you never truly loved me. Rye still flirts with you when I am present and Allie still treats Chloe like someone from outside and Mac, he is the only one I would be able to take from if you agree because he is not like you guys. And I always thought only Chloe and Mac as my close family and no one else. There is this guy name Robert who wants to date with me and he sees Chloe as his own child. This is the only thing I ask from you.... LET'S DIVORCE."

I looked at my dad and he looked like he had lost everything he had; while Rye and Allie were practically glowing with glee. Mac was speechless, just like me.

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