Chapter 18(Edited)

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Chloe's POV
Mom's smile told me everything. She was happy with Robert uncle. I had met him once before and I could tell that he had a great personality and I liked him because he was understanding and was not judge mental at all. I hope Mom's decision is good.

Dad looked pale and somewhat angry and sad. I don't know why he was sad and upset. I thought he didn't want us.

"Hey, listen, please don't do this. I want you and I left because I had to. I had a one night stand with Rye and she was pregnant with twins. On the day of our anniversary she was about to give birth and I said that I love her but  my true love is none other than you. Please I can't divorce you. I had to take the responsibility so I left and lived with them for one month. I had decided at the beginning itself that I would return after one month and I did too. Please don't do this to me."

I was shocked, speechless. I looked at others at the table and they all shared the same expression as me. My phone rang suddenly. I looked at the caller ID. It was Ryan! I was too happy. I immediately went out and answered the call.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?",I asked as soon as I was out of earshot of the rest.

"Let's break up, Chloe. I can't continue this relationship with you. Bye, please don't call me back."

I was broken. He had a special place in my heart and he just threw it away like it was waste, like I  was waste. I wanted cry out loud and scream. 

I had let my guard down just for him, and how could he treat me like this?

I went inside, tears falling silently from my eyes. As I was going to my room, my mom saw me and she stood up and came towards me.

"Hey honey, what happened? Why are you  crying?"

"Nothing happened, Mom."

"You know you can tell me anything right? Please tell me when you're fine, OK?"

"Sure mom." I rush to my room and cry in my pillow.

Maybe in my life I don't deserve love. First, Frank left me and now even Ryan left me. I thought he loved me, but to my disappointment he didn't. I have decided, I won't be the weak girl who would cry over a boy. I will move on. If I can move on after Frank then why not Ryan?

Yes I can!!

I slept after that determined to be strong and not pine away after someone who didn't value me.


Next day I woke up early and got ready. I put on a crop top and jeans. 

I decided to avoid Ryan in school as he did not want me to talk to him.

I enter the school and am engulfed in big bear hug. It was none other than Lilly. Lilly and I had our first period together today, so we decided to go together. To my disappointment Ryan was also there in our class.

We reach our class and meet Harry, we hadn't talked after the date. But I think his attention is more on Lilly than it is on me. I look towards Lilly and she whispers.


That was the same thing that Ryan had spoken to me when we met for the first time. I wonder what importance it has, everyone whispers it over here.

I leave the two in their wonderland and I take a seat. From the corner of my eye I notice Ryan staring at me, or more precisely, my exposed skin. I ignore him. I couldn't give him anything after what he did, not even my friendship.

Lilly later takes a seat next to me and the class begins a few minutes later. I make a note in mind to ask Lilly later about what's happening between her and Harry. After few more classes, it was lunch and we were heading towards the cafeteria.

"Hey Lilly, what's going on between you and Harry?", I ask her.

" see he asked me for a date! I'm so happy!!"

'At least someone is happy', I think and smile at her.

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