Chapter 39

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Harry 's pov

I have planned every single thing for our date and I hope Lilly likes it. I went to her Aunta and spoke to her. She was not that excited about our date but she thinks it will help her. So she gave me some tips. She is a girl whose interests are mainly in nature and animals. So I think my date is something similar.

I am currently in car driving towards her home. I bought some chocolates for her cause she doesn't like guys giving her flowers. So I bought chocolates for her. If everything goes fine I will ask her to be my girlfriend and this time she would permanently be mine. I would take care of it that.

I reach her house and knock at her door three times. Her aunt opens the door. She looked expressionless. It was making me nervous. God! Give some hint woman!!
I give her my charming smile but it doesn't work one her.

"Why are you here?" she asks.

"I'm here for Lilly. We are going on a date." I say politely.

"Oh! I forgot about it. I will call her down. Lilly! Harry has come to pick you up, darling" she says and goes without giving me a second look.

She comes down wearing a floral summer dress with a white satchel along with it. Her hair was left open and she wore white flip flops. She looked an angel. I will make her mine forever. That's a promise.

I smile at her. She gives me smile. I hope everything is going to go according to plan. I take her hand and we walk towards the car. As we reach near car, from the backseat I take the chocolates and give it to her.

"Here this is for you." I say nervousness pumping inside me like blood.

"Thank you, I love it. Thank god you dint bring flowers." she says smiling.

"I know everything about you" I say and stare at her eyes. She stares back at me. After few minutes we look away from each other. She goes and sits in the car. I too sit and start.

"So where are we going to?"

"Hmm Guess!" I say cheerfully as we start a conversation. I am happy that there's some improvement.

The whole car ride went like this. Her guessing and always getting a negative answer from me. Then we spoke about each other's likes and dislikes.

Soon the ride ended and we reached our destination. It was a beach far far away from our town. I opened the door and took her hand and led her way cause it was very dark outside but once we reach the shore it would be different.

"Look if you think you will murder me and escape that's a mistake" she says her eyes scanning the surrounding. I chuckle at her words.

"But I am the Beta" I say. She looks at me narrows her eyes and replies

"And I am your mate" she says then her eyes widen and red creeps into her cheeks. I smirk and pull her into me and whisper in her ears.

"I know that and I promise to keep it like that because your only mine" I say and peck her ears.

"Uh! Wait!" she pushes off her body from me and straighten her dress.


"How can you be so sure that I will be your mate?!" she asks tilting her head to side.

"Because I will only leave you once you agree with me" I say shrugging.

"Unbelievable" she shakes her head and we continue to walk until we reach the shore.

After a little while we reach the shore which was lightened like a star. It had a small set up in middle of the beach to sit and relax and it was shining with lights. The waves were hitting the shore calmly. Everything is going well like my plan. There was candle light dinner for two which was also covered by huge white curtain and lights in there were also bright.

I look at her and she looked shocked.

"How is it?"

"It's.......fabulous" she turns and hugs me tightly and gives a small kiss in my cheeks.

"Thank goodness, I thought you wouldn't like it"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because of my past mistakes" I say keeping my head down. Her soft hands touch my face and bring it up. My whole face tingles by her touch.

"I have forgiven you for that and now your trying to prove yourself. So forget the past and look towards the future. Who knows maybe I will fall in love with you again" she says smirking at my direction.

"I will make sure that you do" and hugg her like she will leave the moment my hands untie.

"Look I am hungry so why not eat some" she says while I am hugging her.

"Sure, anything for my queen" I say and take her towards our table.

We sit and a waitre brings us our food and we dig in. While eati g we talk about our hobbies and child hood moments and night ent like that.....

That's all for now. Do you want the epiloge or the marking ceremony next ?! Tell in comments because only after that I will be updating.
Love you.

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