Chapter 3(Edited)

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Chloe's POV

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Chloe's POV

Arrrghh!!! This guy is seriously putting my patience to test. Like, what does he want?! I pull my hand away from his, forcefully, and he lets me go.

"What the hell do you want from me?!!", I ask really enraged by his behavior now.

"Look kitten, that's not how you talk to me, understand? I deserve some respect", he says narrowing his eyes at me.

"And you haven't won any Nobel prize to get my respect, nor have you done anything positive, too", I say putting my hands on my hips and glaring him.

"You are mine and all I want to tell you is that you can't have any boyfriend or something similar to that, because I don't like sharing", he says pointing a finger at me and making air quotes with his other hand.

"Whether I have a boyfriend or not is none of your business. So just move away and let me have my lunch in peace", I say ignoring him and walk quickly to the cafeteria because I haven't eaten anything since morning. Mom and Dad had a fight early in the morning, which caused a gloomy atmosphere in  the house and no one had eaten anything and just went about to do their respective work. I don't know how I'm still not in depression because they fight every day and night. 'Thank God that I'm strong enough', I thought.

So in short, I was damn hungry. As I enter the in the cafeteria I spot a terrified looking Lilly, whose gaze kept fleeting around. As soon as she sees me, relief floods  her features and she runs towards me.

"Hey, what happened?", I ask.

She shakes her head and mutters a  quite"Nothing", but her voice was shaking, like she had a horrible dream in which we was crying. 

The cafeteria door opens with a 'bang', revealing an annoyed looking Ryan. He must be vexed from our little fight a few minutes ago.

He sees me and narrows his eyes,probably meant as a warning to me. I turn my head and ignore him and his 'warning'. He comes towards our table with Harry in tow.

"Harry, why don't we sit with our new student today?", he asks in a loud voice which causes everyone to turn their heads in his direction but he pays them no heed and keeps his eyes trained on me.

"Sure", Harry replies, which makes Lilly stiffen beside me. She grabs my hand unconsciously. When she realizes what she did she leaves my hand and excuses herself and goes with her plate to the library, saying that she has an assignment and she wants to do some research on it. Weird. She wanted to eat with me just 2 minutes ago.

I don't know what happened, but something is not right with her and I know it.

Ryan comes near my ear and whispers,"Defiant little mate, huh?"

I look towards him with confusion but he just smirks at me. I ignore him for the rest of the break  while he and Harry talk about some stuff. As soon as the bell rings indicating the end of lunch, I exit the cafeteria without telling Ryan anything. That guy just knows how to irritate me in 101 ways just in 1 minute!

While leaving the cafeteria I see Lilly coming towards the class. She looked better than she did before. Her eyes and voice were back to normal and not like she was just crying.

"Hey, how was the research?", I ask.

A look of confusion crosses over her face before she realizes what I was talking about.

" is going...pretty well", she looks uncertain though, as if she is lying. I ignore it and we both head to the class together.

When we reached the class, there was a guy standing beside the door. He looks at us when we come near, his eyes lingering on Lilly. When Lilly sees him, her eyes widen and she says to me,"I... just notebook in...the locker. Yes! The locker. I'll go get it, you go on ahead in the class, I'll be there in a few minutes".

"Okay", I say although I doubt Lilly heard it because she quickly fled from there. Not thinking too much into this, I head to the class and take a seat.

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