hi roool

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Ruel's pov :
"Ok I'm really proud of you lil shit" said my sister Coco.

"I know" I had a dumb smile on my face.

"Oof, you're still stupid, I was scared that this show completely change you."

" wow you're so funny coco..." I said on a sarcastic tone.

My phone buzzed, it was my cousin who called me.

"What's up Logan !"

"Hi man, my friends and I are outside..."

"Okay, mum will call you the security."

"Wow thanks man !"

"You're welcome. You're parents are waiting you by the way..."

"Okay, see ya."

"See ya"

5 minutes later Logan's friends and him arrived.

"Hi man, how are you ?" My cousin said.

"I'm feel a little nervous."

"Everything's gonna be okay, your songs are dope."

"You say that 'cause you're my cousin."

"It's true that I'm not objective, but my friends will discover your music for the first time. So they can give a neutral opinion." He's showing me his friends.

"Hi" they say.

"I think I already met you at Logan's birthday parties when we were younger." I begin..

"Yup you already saw Amber, Liza and Kyle." They all introduced themselve.

"Nice to meet ya ! " I say. "But, weren't you gonna be 6 to coming ?"

"Yes, Audrey and Joey aren't there. Audrey have been an important call, so Joey stayed with her." Logan said.

"They'll be there after the show." Liza said.

"We are sorry, Audrey has an important job, and she's really unpredictable." My cousin apologized.

"Yup, don't be surprise if she began to do somethings weird." Kyle said laughing.

"You're really lucky that she's here" Logan said.

"It's okay, plus I don't even know her. What's her job ? "

"She sings." Amber Responds " And she is a goddess at this."

"Cool !"

"So tell me more about your world tour..."

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now