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"Ugh stop moving !" My mom tell out.

"Why this plane doesn't take off !?"

"Patient please." She sighed.

I started to hum.

"Ok if you stop everything, I promise you to let you call your friends as much as you want."

"Really ?"

"I really love you honey... but please shut up !"

"Ok !"

☆ ☆ ☆

We are in Amsterdam it's the evening and it's in those kind of moment that my mom would just stop being a mom for a second. Guess why ? BECAUSE I'M HOPPING ALL OVER THE AIRPORT BECAUSE OF THE TWO REDBULL THAT I DRANK !


"Since you have so much energy go get our suitcases please." My mom inquired me.

"Ok mum !!!!"

I heard her sigh... poor mommy

☆ ☆ ☆

When I got all suitcases, we went in a taxi. Amisha helped me to calm me, we sang a stupid sweet song. But when Jenny told me that we arrived at the concert hall where we had to sing, I was going crazy again :

"PZGXYOWZQIDJ CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE ! CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE !" My hands were shaking, I was jumping.

It's only when I saw Kate coming over us that I became shy. Another reason why my mom hates me, that's great !

"Hi Audrey how are you ? How was the trip ?"

"It was great, but I think really exhausting for my mom."

Kate laugh and my mom make an eye roll smiling, 'cause she is tired of me if you didn't notice it. We talked all together for a moment.

"We are really sorry, but all the equip is tired and don't know the way to go at the hotel. I also have to organize the end of the show with Audrey's mom, and all these Tours stuff." Jenny apologized.

"It's okay, don't worry. I totally understand !"

"Maybe Audrey could stay to meet Ruel tonight." My mom said.

"Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing ! We go back to the hotel in almost one hour. Is that okay for you ?"

"Perfect !" Jenny responded.

"Keep calm."

"I'm always calm !"

"Yes of courseeeeeeee. You have my number if something happen." She said at Kate. "Good night !"

"Good night !" Then they came back in the taxi for go at the hotel. "Come on, It's cold outside."

I followed her.

"He is making the sound check." She said for me. "I guess he doesn't know that you're here, because I find him kinda relax."

I laughed, I'm not the only kid at being exhausting at least.

"I thought that that could make a surprise."

"Perfect. I propose that you went hide you in the green room, and I will to ask him to go found his jacket something like that..."

"And I surprise him !"

"Exactly, follow me."

We entered in a room.

"Well I guess it's the green room."

"Yes it is !"

There was a kitchen and some energy drink, food and phones out and about.

"Ok I'm gonna find him. You have 2 minutes to prepare you for surprise him. Is that okay ?"

"Yes !"

"Okay, see you soon !"

I hid myself in in a dark corner of the room where you don't see directly when you enter. I wait a moment that my stupid friend came.

When he entered he looked like looking for something. I stared at him for a little moment, I found him cute. He didn't changed. When he served himself a juice, I decided to surprise him.

"Ok you were right, I didn't grew up during Tour."

"QSYEODPSB ! Fuck you scared me !!!!!!" He yelled coming hug me.

"I just wanted to surprise you, it's not my fault if you're a fragile."

"Fuck off !"

He began to tickle me.

"Stop asshole or I'll not opening your show tomorrow."

"Wait, you also open my shows ?"

"Yeah, I'm not only here for your face, I sing to."

"No way ?!"

"Yeah I know it's kinda badass !"

"Damn I missed you so much." He said as a kid hugging me so highly in his arms that he made me step back

"I missed you more."

"Nah I missed you more !"

"Nope I..."

"Hiiii !" Ruel's singers and musicians cutting me off who just come to enter the room.

"Hi this is Audrey."

"Everyone know that this girl is Audrey." Beau said, I knew almost everyone here. "We knew she was coming before you knew it."

"You are horrible friends !"

"Yeah we know, now coward Andrey and let us say hello."

"Oh yeah sorry."

I laughed 'cause he cowards me with an embarrassing tone of voice.

☆ ☆ ☆

When Ruel finished his song check we came back to the hotel, we didn't stop talking and annoying each other.

When we arrived I told him good night and when I entered in my hotel room, my mom was lying on the bed, reading a book.

"Hi how was it ?"

"Amazing !"

"Did he change ?"

"Not it's still pRuel."

"Boys will be boys honey."

"I'm happy that everything is like before we left."

"If you are happy I'm happy."

"God can't wait for tomorrow !"

"Technically we are already tomorrow. It's 12:30 p.m."

"I should sleep..."

"Great idea sweetheart !"

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Liked by audreymikaa and 713 004 others
oneruel look who I found !!!

(Tagged audreymikaa)

User 1 : mom and dad
User 2 : best friendship ever
User 3: ugh I wanna go at his concert
User 4: holy sh*t
User 5: best day of my whole life
User 6 : I ship ❤️
Lizaaaa: we miss you !!!!

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now