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"H-hiii !" A girl told me in tears during the meet and greet.

"Oh my god hi sweetie ! Don't cry..." I said almost in tears too hugging her. "What's your name ?"

"Dai-Daisy and I love you so so much !"

"I love you MOOORE."

"You-you're the beautifulest person ever ! "

"Oh you're the cutest person ! Look I have a present for you !" I said giving her a paper clip bracelet.

"You did that by yourself ?"

"Yeah I had free time today 'cause Ruel wasn't there all day and he always distracts me... anyway... so I had time to make this for all the meet and greet people."

"Wow thank you so much ! Hum... I wrote you a letter ! "

"Oh thank you it's so swe..." I've been cutting of by the screams of fans. I was confused until I saw Ruel come back from his day and his meet and greet. I directly felt those fucking butterflies in my stomach. It looked like a botanical garden !!

"Wow you here... hi Nate how was your day ?"

"Hi Audrey !" Nate said.

"You won 5 dollars !" Ruel announced me.

"Woohoo !"

"Ruel she is in the middle of something right now." Nate told him.

"Yeah sorry see you later !"

"See ya !"

They left and I looked the sweetest fan ever. "So sorry for that, I bet with this guy about a question that he could hypothetically have in a interview and I won."

"I don't mind, I love so much your... friendship ?" She said unsure.

"Yeah friendship." I laughed.

"Well, can't wait to see your show."

"I hope you'll enjoy it. And take care of you Daisy."

"I love you Audrey !" She said hugging me a last time.

"Love you so much too."

☆ ☆ ☆

It was the end of the meet and greet. I told goodbye at the last pretty girl And now, I was watching the pics that Michelle took.

"So sick !" I love it !

"It's will be ready in two days."

"Thank you !" I said with a kid tone.

"You're welcome."

"Hey !" Ruel said behind me.

Michelle left and I turned around.

"How was your day ?"

"It was really cool, you ?"

"Keith is the coolest man ever and I won five dollars, so yes I had a really good day."

" I brought you a cake !" He said showing me the cake. At the same time, our moms, our managers and Amisha entered all together in the room. I think also some fans from our meet and greets could see us.

It was a cake covered by whipped cream.

"Ohhh thank you shouldn't !" I dip my finger on the frosting and then spread it on his nose.

"HEYYY" I laughed looking at his face and he made the same on my forehead. Then began a battle.

"Stop Ruel, I made it once !"

"I was sure it would end like this." Kate sighed"

I could here fan laughing. "Ok stop guys ! You have to be ready for your show." Beau said. We smiled looking at each other.

"Ok sorry Audrey." Ruel said putting an arm around my shoulders.

"You have also the same at home as I see." My mom told Kate.

"Yeah !" She said giggling.

Ruel almost put me the cake on my face.

"Stoopp, leave me and this cake alone !"

"I'm gonna take it !!" Amisha said.

"Good Idea !" Jenny approved.

"Smile !" Kate said taking a picture of us.

Joel filmed us and the fans screaming.

"Go wash yourself Audrey."My mom told me.

"Same for you Ruel, you have cream everywhere on your T-shirt."

Ruel and I were eating the cream that was on our face.

"But I don't have other clothes because of Ruel !"

"There is a pants in the green room." My mom answered.

"And I will lend you a sweater." Ruel said.

"Dude, you are taller than me ! "

"It's okay don't worry."

"Thanks !"

We walked over the green room his arm was still on my shoulders. We saw fans looking at us.

"Have a nice evening guys !" I told them.

They all screamed.

"They are the best." I said entering in the room.

"Yeah they are the coolest people" He said looking for the sweat.

"Our friends called me, we should call them after shower."

"Yeah great idea, and here you are"


Liked by _Joeyyyy_ and 351 703 others

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Liked by _Joeyyyy_ and 351 703 others

audreymikaa wanna taste this cake ?

User 1: yeeeees
User 2: bet that she fought with Ruel
User 3: still pretty with cake on the face
Lizaaaa : how tasting a cake by Audrey Armacost and Ruel Van dijk
User 4: who has never had a crush on Audrey Mika seriously ?

User 1: yeeeees User 2: bet that she fought with RuelUser 3: still pretty with cake on the faceLizaaaa : how tasting a cake by Audrey Armacost and Ruel Van dijkUser 4: who has never had a crush on Audrey Mika seriously ?

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Liked by Logan-pratt and 652 222 others
oneruel hungry 24/7

User 1: nice jumper 👌🏻
User 2: great hair can I touch ?
User 3 : well this is a bit cute
User 4: pov i'm the cake on his face
User 5: yesssssir

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now