World Tour :p

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The sun was down, and all the squad and I were walking down the street to find something to eat. I walk behind others, suddenly I see Ruel next to me.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi !"

"So did you like your show tonight ?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda proud of myself. And damn I sold out this motherfucking Opera !"

I laughed.

"I heard that you will going on tour soon..."

"Yeah in one week, that's gonna be so fun. Have you already done a Tour ?"

"Nah, I just did some concerts a out and about, never for a world tour. But in five days, I'm gonna do my first world Tour."

"Really ? That's so cool !"

"Yeah, I'm gonna do the first part for some singers. But my friends don't know it yet, so could you keep the secret ?"

"Of course, when are you going to tell them ?"

"I don't know, not tonight 'cause it's your moment of glory so tomorrow I guess." I said nervously.

"Why are you nervous about that ?"

" 'Cause you know, I'm not often there, I just came-back and I'm nervous about the fact that they could be mad because I leave again."

"Don't worry they won't be mad."

"Thank ya little Australian singer..."

He laughed.

"Guys we found a good place to eat, come in." Liza yells.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now