Beach day !!!

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"Hi guys." I said with Logan.

The sun shine, all my homies are there, the day was going to be great.

"Hi !!!!" They all say.

"You returned well yesterday." Kyle asked.

"Yup." I answered.

"We had our little baby behind us." Logan said.

Everyone smirks looking at Ruel.

"They are horrible parents." He said.

"Nah, one day they looked after my little brother, I found him alive. It's just them who were exhausted." Liza said.

"It's because you have an horrible brother !" Logan said.

When I thought at this monster, shivers send down my spine.

"Ok someone would go to swim." Joey asked.

"Me !" I yell with all the others boys.

"You don't wanna go ?" Joey inquired to Liza and Amb'.

"Nah we're late for our tan." Amber said.

"Ok, see you later !" I said.

"Bye tomboy." Amber said smirking.

"Bye bitches." I responded.

And we all walk over the sea.

"Why do they call you tomboy ?" Ruel ask.

"Because I'm less girly than them."

"She'd rather to do music or stupid things with us, than tan under the sun." Kyle said putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Guys could we just stop talking and go in the sea !" Joey said.

"Ok." I say, and I start to run to be the first to jump in the sea. I spent more than one hour to having fight with boys, playing with ball, swimming and laughing a lot.

We ate our picnic for lunch, Kyle had brought his speaker and Joey and I went to get ice cream for desert. Everyone was glad about that. After, the boys went to playing volleyball. I stayed with girls and we are talking.

"How was the sea's water ?" Liza questioned.

"Great ! Do you want to go ?"

"Hum... maybe after with everyone."


"So did you meet someone during your travels." Amber ask.

"Yes, I met so many people ! They all have been amazing !"

"And is there a guy who was kinda cute ?" Amb' said.

"I didn't think about that, I just wanted to have fun with friends."


A music from the speaker began to be heard, our eyes went wide.


We immediately stood up, turned the sound louder and start dancing as Liza ordered. It was painkiller. We are dancing like fools, everyone looked at us, but we didn't care. We saw that the boys joined us when Ruel started to dance with us. Now, everyone was dancing and I couldn't stop smiling. That's hurt me. I made eye contact with Ruel, we were very accomplice.

When the lyrics said « you keep me lose » we get closer to each other and danced with a dumb' smile at our lips. When it's been the end of the song everyone applauded.

"Ok guys Kyle and I gonna find pizzas" Amb' said.

"See ya." Liza said.

"Come back quickly." Joey yelled.

☆ ☆ ☆

I was playing a card game with Ruel while the others are chatting.

"You're cheating." I said.

"Nope, you just won this card."

"Ok maybe you aren't cheating."

He won at the end of the game. I'm sulking while he is smiling.

"I win you loose ! Who are you ? A looser ha ha !"

"You cheated !"

"I didn't !"

"You did !" I say pushing him, he laugh and push me back.

And a fight start between us.

"Asshole !" I yell with a lil smile.

"Bad player !" He yells back smiling.

"Stop guys, pizzas are there." Kyle said.

We still fighting until Logan separates us. We are also still laughing like fools.

"Ok, let's make truce." He offers holding out his hand to me.

I didn't respond in the second, everyone looked tired of us.

"Ok, I forgive you even if you're the worst person in this world." I say shaking his hand.

"Super, put on your clothes quickly, I'm starving !" Joey sighs.

When everyone had pizza in their hands, I decided to told them about the Tour.

"Guys I have something important to tell you." Everyone stops bringing their pizza to their mouths.

"Shit !" Joey said.

"You move !" Logan said.

"You are in the mafia !" Kyle yells.

"You're pregnant !" Liza suppose.

"I'm not. Let me talk..."

I make an eye contact with Ruel who knew everything, take a breath and start.

"Well hum, in few days, I'm going on World Tour."

"What !?" They all say except Ruel and Joey who said "I knew it !"

"Don't be mad at me please !"

"We are not, we are so glad for you !" Kyle said smiling.

Amber and Liza come to hug me and all boys did the same.

"So we will live without Audrey and Ruel !" Joey said with fake tears.

"But me I'm just gonna do the first part for some singers. And don't worry I will make a pause in the middle of the tour."

"You know who they are ?" Ruel ask.

"Definitely not !"

"We don't care, let's toast with the pizza for Audrey and Ruel." Joey said.

And we all said "cheeeeeeeeers".

audreymikaa beach day before party on lil joe's shoulders <3

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audreymikaa beach day before party on lil joe's shoulders <3

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