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"Come on guys, Aud' have a concert today." My mom opened curtains.

"No joking." I said with a sarcastic tone hiding head in my pillow.

"Ugh, you should have slept more kids."

"It's not our fault if songs in the bar were so cool Karen." Mumbles Joey.

"You have 30 minutes guys, no more !"

"Damn your mother is so rude." He said stretching.

I didn't listen to him and took my phone. I had some missed calls from Ruel, I decided to call him back in FaceTime. He picked up.

"Hi !" He said with a beautiful smile.

"Hi what's up ?"

"Fine, but you, you don't look."

"I fell asleep really late. Joey and I danced a lot in this bar where the music was really cool so we stayed since 3 am."

"You are really dumb." He said smirking.

"We know !" Joey yelled from his bed.

"Hi Joey ! How was the fly ?"

"Perfect, but now, I have this fucking jet lag !"

"Ugh, do you have a concert today ?"

"Yup !" I answered.

"Stupid ! We can't let us just 2 secondes !" Rouelle scolded us.

"It's okay, I'll kill everything !"

"You'd better ! Will you call me tonight ?"

"I hope I'll have time."

"Otherwise just send me a message it's okay."

"Can I also send you a message ? Joey asked.

"Yup !" He said while I'm laughing. "Good luck friends !"

"Have a nice day Ruely ! Bye for real !"

"Bye for real lil one bye Joey !"

"Bye dude !

And he hung up.

"You are cute together." Joey smiles.

"Ugh shut up Joey !"


"Ouch the sun !" Joey said when we are walking through the festival.

"We really look like tourist." I said watching everyone who wore the best outfit ever.

"We will take a picture." My mom said.

We all tried to look naturel, but  felt a little like a bull in a china town. Joey was uncomfortable too, but it was because of the sun, so it's different, anyway...

"Audrey, you go on stage in 30 minutes. Are you ready ? Jenny questioned.

"Yup since my birth !" I said like a warrior.

"Don't exaggerate." Joey whispered.

"Yeah you right sorry, I don't know why I said that."

Liked 678 123 audreymikaa we look like tourist but it's okay

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audreymikaa we look like tourist but it's okay...

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now