come back

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Two months of Tour have passed and I haven't spoken to him again. I never felt as sad as in these two months. I wanted to call him everytime something's happened during my Tour. I used to call him before my shows, but now I don't do it anymore. And it's one of the reason why I made some panic attacks. I never did that before because our calls calmed me down. I could phone him right now, but I told me that maybe if I take my distance, maybe i'll forget everything that's going on between us.

The Tour in Europe ended yesterday. I'm sad 'cause this Tour was so cool I have so much memories, but in the same time I'm really relieved to back home to rest and catch my breath.

My plane has finally landed on the Australian land.

"Welcome home honey !" My mom said.

"Yeah finally home..."


I had just picked up my luggage, I started to hear some familiar screams. I directly smiled. My friends were here with backboards with « welcome » written on it. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I ran towards them. Liza and Amber were crying. They all jumped on me laughing.

"I miss you so much." I said sobbing.

Damn I missed them so much !


Guys took my luggage and we were walking to the exit. I said goodbye to Jenny, my band and Amisha that I will see very soon. I already miss them.

"Oh my god, we gonna do so many things together !" Amber said with an ecstatic tone.

"Ruel come back in few days so we gonna make a big party for you and him." Logan said. Shivers were sent into my spine by the pronunciation of his name.

"Are you okay ?" Kyle whispered me in my ears. I nodded smiling.

"I'm really sorry guys but I'm not gonna spend the evening with you, I'm really tired before of the jet lag." I apologized.

"Oh yeah we understand." Logan said.

"We could see each other tomorrow afternoon." Joey offered.

"Yeah and we could have a girls sleepover." Amber said.

"Ok !" I said smiling.

"We are arrived !" My mom said.

"Ok see you tomorrow guys !" They hugged me so hard and they left with a big smile.


"How do you feel ?" My mom asked on our way.

"Really tired." I sighed.

"It's normal we spent more than 18 hours in this plane."

"Yeah !" I said giggling.

My mom stared at me for a second, she looked worried about me.

"Everything gonna be alright honey." My mom said running her hand through my hair.


I hope

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now