goodbye for real

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When the concert were finished I said goodbye to my friends, and they promised me to go with me until the airport. I was now in Ruel's car, I felt nostalgic.

"I gonna miss our trips in your car." I said.

"Same, and I gonna also miss you too by the way."

"Why you couldn't go with me..." I said pouting.

"Because I also have a Tour to do !"

"Rooooh !"

"Yup « roohhh » !"

I made a sad face.

"Don't do this face I wouldn't let you go !.

"I know but I'm gonna miss all of you !"

"But you gonna live an unbelievable experience !"

"I know..."

"So give me a smile please..."

And I give him the smile that he wanted.

"Thanks Ruel."

"For what ?"

"For all the things that you did for me and all the happiness that you brought in my life."

"Wow do you really feel okay Aud' ?"

"I'm just sad 'cause I won't see you for a long time !"

"You're welcome, thanks to be my best friend too."

When he said that, the car was in front of my house. There was a silence until I made a eye contact with my favorite lanky boy.

"Come here." He said opening his arms to hugging me.

I didn't refuse, I needed that. And we stayed a long time like that. I wouldn't go... I think it was one hour later that Ruel decided to speak.

"You should go to sleep, you must be okay for tomorrow..."

"Can I sleep in your arms ?"

"No your bed will be better." He said laughing.

"Ok dad !"

"Good decision !"

"See ya tomorrow ?"

"Yup, I will be there..."


"You're welcome, now... bye for real little one."

"Bye for real lanky boy !"

The day after :

No one have lied. They were all there, Liza, Amber and my mother were already crying. I was behind the control door, Jenny and my crew for the Tour waited me.

"I should go..." I said.

My mom's hand squeezed mine. It was the moment to leave. They cried harder. I hug  Liza then Amber.

"We will miss you so much." Amber whispered.

"Me too, I promise I'll be back faster that you thought."

"We hope." Liza said.

After that, I came over Kyle and did our check that we used to do.

"I will miss you Aud'." He said.

"Watch them well please." I whispered to him.

"I'll make the mom until you came back !" He said proudly.

"Thanks buddy, take care of you !"

"You too beauty..."

I smiled at him, he will always be flirty. Now, I was face to face with Joey, and when I looked at his face, I couldn't do anything than laugh. I found him funny even when he was not on purpose.

"If I propose you to marry me, will you stay ?"

"Nope." I said laughing.

"At least I've tried..."

"But it's good to have tried." I hugged him.

"Thanks and say at all the girls that you will meet that you have your beautiful friend called Joey and that he's single..

"I promise you."

It was Logan's turn to say goodbye to me, I felt my heart tighten.

"Already miss you sis."

"Me too." I said slowly 'cause I felt my tears coming.

"Be wise, pay attention to yourself, call me every hour and have a little funny by the way."

"Yes dad !"

I hug him and then I had to say goodbye to Ruel. When I was in front of him I lost my cool so I hugged him to hide my tears.

"I will miss you ruely..." I said while my tears were flowing.

"Me too you have no idea !"

"Have fun on your tour." I said looking at him.

"Promise, try to call me when you will have time." He said erasing my tears with his thumbs.


He smiled and make me a kiss on my forehead. I hugged him again.

"We have to go honey." My mom tell me.

"Bye for real little one."

"Bye for real lanky boy."

We separated, then made a collective hug with my homies.

"Love ya guys !"

"LOVE YOU MORE, I'M YOUR BIGGER FAN !!!" Joey screamed, everyone looked at him.

We all laughed. I squeezed my mom's hand again and we left with the rest of the group. I made a last eye contact with Ruel before leave. I would to cry again but I remembered that this experience will be "unbelievable" as he said... The last thing that I heard, was my friends singing (or screaming I don't even know) Y u gotta be like that in the whole airport.

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