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"Hi how are you since, huh yesterday ?" Ruel said at the phone.

"Fine, but also angry 'cause you are in Europe and I still haven't seen you !"

"I'm also mad, but work is work."

"I know ! So what you gonna do today ?

"I'm in Copenhagen and I think that I will hang out with Beau."

"Be safe huh."

"Of course, I'm a big boy now !"

"If you say so..."

"Don't be cheeky !"

"Yup I don't care, I have to tell you something !"

"Shit, things became serious ! I don't fell right, can I drink something or just sit somewhere ?"

"It's ok Rool, just breath. Inhale, exhale."

He did it, while I was laughing.

"Okay, spill the tea lil one ! I'm all ears !"

"Well, do you know RCA records ?"

"Yup of course."

"They want to meet me !"

"What the f... !"

"Yeah I said the same thing ! He's in London right now and we have a meeting in like one hour."


"But I have to tell this at our homies."

"Roooh ok, but call me quickly !"

"Ten minutes, no more, no less."

"Okay, see ya !"


"Hey so how was it ?-

"I have no eardrums anymore."

"It's annoying when you're singer."

"They will end up being the cause of my death."

"Can I already prepare a speech for your funeral ?"

"Yes, It's in June 5th."


"What ?"

"I'm busy this day."

"Oh okay, I will talk about it with Lucifer."

"Thank you."


"Ruel, it's been an hour, I have to go."

"No, don't leave me alone !"

"You're not alone, go doing your sound check !"


"Of course yes !"

"I will wait in front of the phone until you call me."

"That's creepy."

"Ok I should really make this sound check."

"Good boy !"

"I know."


Ok, right now I felt anxious. It's an important meeting and I have to be professional and not the stupid teenage girl that I am with this dumb' of Ruel.

"Are you okay sis ?" Amisha ask.

"To be honest, I'm stressed. Could we back home ?" I said at our taxi driver.

"Of course no !" Jenny said. "Everything will be okay Audrey, I talked to them and they absolutely want you."

"Really ?"

"Yes, they want to meet you for know your conditions if you want a contract with them !"

"Why you didn't tell me that before !"

"I told you this, hundred times, but you were to stressed, so you didn't listen to me !

"No way !"

"Or you're maybe in love, so that's would be the reason why you didn't listen to your amazing manager." Jenny said.

Amisha laughed so hard.

"Ruel is my homie !"

"Did I say his name ?"

Touché, she's deadful !


"Hi Audrey !" Keith said, the musical producer.

"Hi how are you ?"

"Fine, please sit down."

I sat down next to Jenny.

"So, how do you feel ?" He asked.

"A little scared to be honest."

"You don't have to be. I just will ask you a couple of questions. Ready ?"

"Ok, since when do you make music..."



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Liked by _Joeyyy_ and 1, 456, 067 others

audreymikaa DUDE THIS MEANS MUSIC !!!

User 1: I'm crying
User 2: I know her since her first cover !
User 3: our secret won't be a secret anymore...
Logan-pratt : proud of u sis
Lizaaaa: I'm crying right now !
Amber_davis: @Lizaaaa same
_Joeyyyy_: @Lizaaa same


A second after that I posted, Ruel tried to FaceTime me.



"Of course you're not dreaming ! Fuck I'm proud of you Audrey !"

"You will have a vip ticket when I will sing at the Madison Square Garden !"

"Wow thanks !"

"Call you later, I have to call the rest of my family."

"Bye for real rockstar !"

"Bye for real lanky boy !"

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now