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I'm waking up with a jot because of a fucking lanky boy who was screaming on the phone.

"FUCK you scared me, how did you call me ?"

"We fell asleep on the phone !"

"Oof, I thought I was a sleepwalker."


"Damn, we surely look like shit."

"Nope, I always look good." He said with a fuck boy face.

"Maybe in your dreams." I said smirking.

"Slut !"

"But I'm a sleepy slut, so let me sleep."


I didn't hang up, closed my eyes and listened to Ruel's breathing.

"I feel your gaze on me, sleep !" I said.

"Shit you have a sixth sense !"

"Yup ! Now let me sleep."

"Ok mom..."

2 hours later:

When I opened my eyes, Ruel wasn't in his bed.

"Ruel ?!"

"Yup !" He said wearing a T-shirt.

"You should hang up."

"Yes but no."

"Wow, best quote ever..."

"Don't worry I will teach youyou to have this amazing talent."

"Too kind." I said sarcastically.

"Do you know what I was thinking about ?"

"You asked yourself if one day you could have charisma..."

"Good try but no."

"Spill the tea."

"Well, we both are in Europe right ?"

"Congrats you have revised your geography lessons !"

"So first, we are not in our continent, second we both are in a different country and third : we made 16 hours of call."

"So you telling me that we are going to pay a fortune for the call of more than 16 hours that we are making ?"


"My mom gonna kill me !"

"Mine too !"

"We will be disinherited."


There was a silence.

"Okay." I said shrugging.

"Did you listen to Khalid's new album ?"

"Yeah it's such a bop !"

And we kept going to talking like nothing was wrong.

☆ ☆ ☆

I did my concert, I was in FaceTime (again) with Ruel. His show was in few minutes.


"I'm so excited ! People are already screaming." He said making an hilarious face.

"Can you make the biggest jump when you arrive on stage ?"

"Okay, but if I broke one of my legs, you pay the hospital costs."

"Deal !m

"It's your turn buddy." Said a female voice. "Who are you on the phone with ?"

"It's Audrey." I responded.

"Oh my god I want to see her so much." A girl said appearing on my phone screen. "Hi !"

"Hi, are you Coco." I ask squinting to see her better.

"Yeah oh my god, I wanted to meeting you for so long, Rool only talks about you !"


"Oh my god, Sylvie and mom will be so jealous 'cause I'm the first to meet you !"

"Wow, I'm really famous in the Van Dijk family." I said surprised.

"You are like a myth 'cause no one in the family except my brother met you before."

"Wow ! Can you tell me embarrassing stuff about your brother ?"

"Of cou..."

"I have to go bye for real Aud's." He cut her off

"Bye for real, break a leg !"

"Adorable !" He said sarcastically.

"Adorable !" He said sarcastically

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Liked by Kyle

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Liked by Kyle.brrrrr 516 0137 others
oneruel love u sm berlin ❤️  (didn't break a leg)

User 1: what ? Why a leg ?
User 2: why so serious
User 4: why do you look so much like a surfer boy ?
_Joey_: rockstar dude
User 5: can I have your jacket ?
audreymikaa: u did it
audreymikaa: and damn why u hit so good in those pic ? Like, ur look sooooo good ?
oneruel: @audreymikaa you were too busy looking for my defaults

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now