sCarY tHiNg

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Ruel's pov :

Audrey and I were sitting on my bed, she played with my hair while I was playing video games. There was Chinese food that we ordered all around us. Sometimes Audrey stopped touching my hair for eating her noodles. My head was almost against her chest.

"You're so bad at this game." She said.

"I can't bet that your worst."

"I trained with my cousin for months."

"Ok stupid we'll see this tomorrow." I got up and went to get my food.

Audrey got up too and went to get my guitar. "Can I try it ?"

"Yup !"

She tried to play some chords. "Always find this so sick when a chick played guitar."

"I forgot all the chords that I've learning since I'm on tour except songs and covers in my set list"

"Same !"

She tried to play a melody again... in vain.

"Ok luckily I can sing sometimes."

"On full moon days." I gagged.

"Exactly !" She laughed

"Let me try." She gave me the guitar, I almost could play She from Harry styles. "Ok we are maybe the worst musician ever."

"At least we've tried."

"Yup, wanna watch a movie ?"

"Just gonna putting myself in a more comfortable outfit, chose the movie."

"K' I'm gonna make the same."

"See ya !"

☆ ☆ ☆

When Audrey came back I already chose the movie. I was waiting her trying play her song followin'.

"Almost !" She said.

"I chose a scary movie."

"Ugh I hate you !!"

"Come on, you have to see this masterpiece."

"Nooo I don't wanna make nightmares all night."

"Please Audrey It's a really good movie, you will adore it."

"You're the worst friend ever Ruel !!!"

"Yes !" I said on a victory tone.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Why- why those girls just don't run away like... what the f... don't gonna see what's going on dumbass !!!!"

I look at her, there was something cute and childish when she was scared.

By the way : tonight I really found her beautiful on stage. I had never seen her as beautiful as today to be honest. Like damn, the way she sings and her smile her lips !!!

I felt dizzy at each of our contacts, it was reaaaaaaallly weird. It wasn't annoying actually, I just didn't expect that... like it was Audrey you know, until now, she was like a sister for me, and now... now... ugh I don't know !

She threw herself on me and nested her head in my neck so as not to see the scene.

"PGBDJZKSDKVAJALS I don't wanna see this !!!"

I laughed

"Seriously how do you manage to not be scared !?"

She looked at me, our faces were really close, I surprised myself to flickering between her eyes to her lips. Why do I wanted to pressing my lips on hers ? WTF !!! My heart stared to be beating EXTREMELY fast.

Ok WOOOOOW... this is the first time I've ever been so afraid in my life. Was I just completely falling in love with my best friend ? I think so.

-Ye-yeah it's terrifying. When I said, I wasn't talking about the movie.

I wrapped my arms around her body to hugging her. Ok I fell in love with Audrey and we went to sleep in each other's arms. What couldn't be worse?

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now