Mr. Worldwild

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Audrey's pov:

When I woke up I've directly been confused 'cause I didn't know were I was (as usual since Tour started actually).

Then I noticed that I was in Ruel's arm, so I kinda panicked. I felt good in his arms but at the same time it scared me. Plus I didn't want to wake him up.

So I just watched him sleep, I was tetanized to be so closed to him and that my heart beating so fast (again).

I didn't know what time it was. I decided to not move, I will wait for him to wake up. Thanks stupid Rool !

I also watched for a really long time our fingers intertwined.

Ok, something changed in our friendship and I don't fucking know what to do with that. I stopped thinking about this shit when my BEST FRIEND has woken up. When he saw me really close from him he was afraid.

"Damn we slept together !"

"I guess...

"Since when are you awake ?" He asked confused.

"Don't know, didn't want to wake you up."

"It's fine..."

"It's also 'cause I couldn't, you block my arm with your back."

"Oh sorry..."

"It's okay I'm not wake up since a long time... what time is it ?"

"Almost 5 am !"

"Ugh... don't wanna sleep anymore !" I sighed.

"Me too, you wanna go out ?"

"Oh yes I don't wanna stay in this hotel room for hours, otherwise I will commit murder !"

"And I will be the victim." We both laughed and he turned his head towards me and we just now noticed that we are in the same position since we were sleeping.


"So hum... yeah be ready in 5 minutes. I'll find you in the hallway."

"Ok see ya... my best friend !" I said nudging.

"Yeah see ya..." he said giggling

« My best friend » seriously Aud' !?

☆ ☆ ☆

He already waited me when I closed my bedroom's door.

"Ok what we gonna do ?" I asked

"We could get coffee were we ate yesterday with our moms"

"Okay let's go !"

☆ ☆ ☆

Amsterdam looked like a ghost town. The sun was rising, the was no one in the street. Luckily I wore my hottest hoodie. I'M A FUCKING BOSS !

"So did you make nightmares ?" Ruel inquired on our way.

"Nope, I slept surprisingly well."

Maybe cause you were in his arms and that you like him !!!!! Fuck no I don't like him...

"And you ?"

"I slept well too."

Why you don't react like him Audrey !!!??? Be perfect like him... Wait ! What ? Ugh...

☆ ☆ ☆

We went at the coffee that wasn't closed and we walked with our drinks to our spot yesterday. Smoke come out of our cups. The sky was a mix between blue and pink, the fog hid the horizon. We sat down on the bench and drank.

"Amsterdam is so cool." I said.

"I always want to stay longer and visiting the whole city."

"Same !"

"What are you doing today ?"

"I have an other meeting with Keith to talk about projects."

"Keith is your music producer right ?"

"Yes he is, and you what you gonna do ?"

"I have some interviews to do all day... so I guess I'll see you tonight."


"Fuck off !"

☆ ☆ ☆

We back to the hotel guessing what's gonna be the questions for Ruel during his interviews.

"I bet that they gonna ask you if you have a hidden talent."

"Sure ?"

"Hundred percent !" I said giggling.

"Deal ?"

"Five dollars !"


"Deal !" I said shaking his head.

Then we entered in the hotel, I could hear Ruel singing Fireball 'cause we're still close, our hands almost touched each other. When I was in front of my door I looked at Ruel. I had this impression to came back from a date... like wtf.. what's wrong with me !?

"Well, have a nice day... Mr. Worldwide." I said with a shyly tone.

"Shit you heard me !?"

"Yup, I didn't say anything 'cause it was funny." I said smirking. I could hear him mumbling something. I keep looking at him laughing.

We fall to silent.

"Well... bye for real little one."

"Bye for real."

"I'm back !!!" I said to my mom.

"Hi sweetie, did you eat something for breakfast ?"

"Yup I ate with Ruel."

"Oh Ruel..." She smiled

"What « Ruel »?"

"Nothing... it's just that you seem different with him..."

"It's normal, you're my mom and he is my friend"

"Yeah but you've never looked at your best friends like that before..."

"No you wrong, he is just my friend !" I said really embarrassed.

"Your friends called you ! You and... your friend Ruel should call them tonight"

"Good idea !"

"Now get ready Keith will call in 30 minutes."

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now