Don't cry

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I spent my last days with all of my friends, it was so cool ! We made picnic on the beach, we surfed, we also went at a fun fair and I met Grace ! They were right, Grace is so sweet and funny ! Amber, Liza and I talked with her when boys were swimming in the sea. She seems to really like Kyle.

"Have you ever had an adventure between all six ?" Grace asked amused.

"You mean have feelings and shoot our shot with someone in the squad ?" Liza said.

She nodded.

"Ha ha hummm... Amber and I found Ruel really cute, like we were ready to marry him, but hum... we quickly gave up."

I felt kinda embarrassed.

"But we know Joey and Kyle since elementary so... no, for us they are like brothers." Amber said.

Grace looked confused looking at me.

"They met Logan and me during middle school !"

"Oh ok..."

At the same time, boys came back from the sea. Yeah it was the twice that we went at the beach.

"How was it ?" I asked.

"So good !" Kyle said before kissing Grace on the cheek.

"Guys this evening we gonna make some shopping !" Liza said.

"Let me stay with you please !" I beg to the boys.

"Come here tomboy !" Logan said opening his arms


Boys and I were walking down the street eating ice cream while girls do their shopping.

"Yeah I wanna do that before my 18 !" Joey said.

"Do what ?" I asked because I didn't listen the beginning of their conversation.

"Take a parachute Jump !" That look so sick.

"I would do that but I'm 100 percent sure that I will pee in my pants." I said smirking.

"The things I really want to do before my 18 it's drive at full speed a race car." Kyle said.

We all approved his choice.

"You Audrey ?" Logan asked.

"Hummm... I think it's that people know that I released an album or a song thanks to The Time Square light panel."

"So sick !"

"Talking about your career, Amber told us that you have a meeting with Jenny tomorrow..." Logan said.

"Yup !"

"But Ruel come back to the airport tomorrow morning." He said worried.

They looked at me with a serious look. Not simple to forget him when everyone talk about him.

"Arg I'm sorry guys I have this important meeting with Jenny and Keith about a song. He comes in Australia only for me... But I'll see you in the evening at the party."

"You'd better, this is party is for you and him." Logan said.

"And the girls want to be sure that you come otherwise they will kill us." Joey said

"Don't worry I will be there." I smiled.

"That's gonna be so sick !!!" Kyle said.

Yeah really rock n' roll.


The day after I went at the studio, I tried to be as focused as possible and not thinking about the fact that he is back.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now