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My last days in Sydney have been really short, I had to unpack my luggage to go directly to America. All this with a heartbreak.

The US Tour has been kinda great. My emotions were just like a roller coaster so it's been really hard. I felt bad when I was alone because I was thinking about him !

So hum... yeah I tried to smile and being positive for fans. It worked, they knew nothing.

Tonight was my last night in US so the end of the Tour. I think it's the saddest part of a Tour. Even if this journey has been really hard i'll miss it so much.

After my last concert in New-York we went directly to our hotel room. For the last time, I shared my bedroom with Amisha. We came-back from the concert singing and hopping. I started to jump on the bed and she followed me. We were laughing so hard. We stopped doing this when our head banged.

"Gosh we are so stupid."

"I told that it was a bad idea to jump on the bed !" I gagged

"Stupid !" She nudged.

We lay down smirking.

"Can I told you something ?" She asked me.

"Yes !" I said while I was looking at the ceiling.

"I find you really brave." I looked at her confused because I didn't understand what she was talking about. "You know... living your dreams... you don't care about people's opinion and hate. Plus you leaving home for months, you don't see your dad, the rest of your family and your friends. Everything when you come back changed and you're always smiling. It's really really brave to endure it all. I think now that the unknown should not scared you. "

"You think ?"

"Yeah I think you won't be afraid of any important event in life thanks to this Tour."

"Yeah maybe..."

I didn't understand myself. I wasn't scared to ruin my whole life or my career if I made a little mistake, leave home for months, let all my life, being hate all my life, or to be criticized on my songs and being sad during my entire life because of that But I was fucking afraid of this little thing called love !

I'm such a whimp fucking hell !


I spent almost all the night talking with Misha, it's been one of the best night of my life. This girl is officially my best friend !!!! Everyone should have this kind of girl in his life. Life would be really better.

When we landed in Sydney and that we found our luggage, I felt really sad because Tour was officially over.

"God I'll miss you so much thanks for this amazing journey !" I said trying to not cry.

"Thank you especially to you, we wouldn't be here without you !" Jenny hugging me.

I also hugged every single person in our little crew. Before leaving we all made a collective hug than it was the end. I may have missed important moments with my family and my friends, but at least I have met amazing people, and just for that I won everything.

I wasn't worried to lost them, I knew that I'll see them really soon...


Three days later :

Yeah I'm such a bitch, I didn't seen my friends since I'm back. But actually I was really busy, I unpacked all my stuffs and worked a lot. Like really A LOOOOOOT. I went at the studio and worked in my bedroom on new songs. My friends weren't mad at me because they have been busy too. Some of them went on a road trip, others meet their family so yeah, It was okay.

I was on my computer looking at the tracks and the lyrics that I wrote when someone knocked at my door.

"Hi honey !" My mom said smiling. "Some people came to visit you." She opened my door and Liza and Amber suddenly appeared screaming.

"OH MY GOD !!!!" I run towards them to hugging them.

"God you have to spill us the tea !" Liza said.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now