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"What !"

He laughed.

"So you mean that the girl who I was hating on is your cousin ?!"

"Yeah she is dating with one of my friends and he will be there in probably few minutes."

"You're such an assole Van Dijk !"

"Yeah I know." He said proud of him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands were on my waist. I was looking at him smiling. He suddenly frowned.

"Wait you have never been in an relationship right..."

"Yeah..." I answered with a shyly tone.

"So is that was your... like your first kiss ?" He asked.

"Does having kissed my dad when I was younger count ?" I asked with probably a funny face.

"Nope." He said laughing because he was probably so happy to be the first guy. "Don't have so much experience but you are a good kisser..."

"Wow I'm so badass ! "

He laughed then kissed my nose, my cheeks, my forehead and my lips. This cuteness made me smile.

"Ugh I should probably go, my friends are probably arrived now." He had the cutest disappointed face oh my god !!

"Me too." I said with the same face.

He was smiling at me and passed one of my strands of hair behind my ear.

"Oh hum can I ask you something ?" I said

"Yeah sure ? "

"Can you keep us secret for a little moment ? Like I really want that this work and don't want that press or fans know it."

"Yeah I understand, we can keep it secret for a while even for our friends and we'll tell them when it's will be the good moment."

"So you mean when we are ready we gonna make like a coming out of couple..."

"Yeah something like that ?" He smirked.

"Ok I'm into it !"

"Sure ?"

"Yup ! "

"Ok I gotta go." He sighed.

"Wait guys think that you don't want to talk to me anymore but I want that you hangout with us again !"

"Well... tell them that instead of kissing we reconciled !"

"Damn you're soooo smart !"

"Yeah I'm not only an attractive singer." He said with an arrogant voice.

"Ugh shut up !"

I quickly kissed him then I left with the dumbest smile on my face.

"You didn't grow up during your Tour !!" He yelled.

"Fuck off !" I said turning around.

I could hear him laughing.

Some minutes later I found my friends talking. Damn they are the best person in this world.

"Finally !" Joey yelled.

"Where did you go ?" Amber asked.

"I found Ruel..." they seemed speechless "and we reconciled we are friends again !"  I smiled so hard.

Girls jumped of joy and boys looked really happy.

"Finally ! We gonna hangout as before !" Logan said.

"Yup !"

"Where is he ?" Liza asked.

"Hummm with his other friends."

"Well if someone see him call him." Amber said excited.

They were all so excited, I'm such a good actress !

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now