Don't tell me

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After the day at the beach, Liza organized a big party with so many people that I didn't know. It was why I was in front of the pool, a glass in my hand looking at people dancing. All my friends were already drunk.

"Hi." A guy that I didn't know said. But he was really cute.

"What's up ?"

"nothing special, what's your name ?"

"Audrey. You ?"

"Josh. Do you wanna dance ?

Ok he looks really nice.

"Humm why not..."

He takes my hand and we walk over the dance floor.

"I like this song." He said.

I didn't like this song but whatever. I'm with the cute guy ! We started to dance together, but songs were playing and he was getting closer and closer to me. AND I HATED THAT ! I just wanted to dance like fools, not like needy people !

"I have to go." I said

"A last dance, please !" With the way he looked at me, I couldn't say no.

"Ok." I said trying to smile.

He again getting to closer for me. I felt embarrassing. Suddenly, he tried to touch my butt and kiss me.

"What the hell !"

"What ?! If you have a boyfriend it's not a problem, he won't know." And he tried again to kiss me.

"Get out, you disgust me !"

I couldn't hear him said something, I was already to far. A only tear rolled down my cheek. I just wanted one thing : to hide myself.

I go in Liza's bedroom, thank god there was no one.

"Ok dumbass dry your tears and smile." I told myself. "Seriously what were you thinking ? That you will be good friends and maybe more ? So stupid..."

"Is there someone ?" I hear.

I quickly dry my tears and turn around the  person. It's Ruel.

"Hi Ruel !"

"You don't give me my nickname anymore, are you okay !?"

"Yeah !" I said laughing softly. I began to look at the ocean in the silence from the balcony.

"So do you like the party ?" He ask.

"To be honest... no, and you ?"

"Me too, I know anyone except you and the group but they are all drunk."

"Yeah, and who does the babysitter ?"

"It's you I guess..."

"Yup, tonight it's me."

"Because some nights you are drunk ?" He smirks.


"I would see that !"

"It's kinda funny to be honest."

He laugh, than we keep watching the view during few minutes.

"So what you wanna do ?" Ruel ask.

"I just wanna eat cheetos that Liza hid under her bed"

Ruel's eyes widened.

"There really are Cheetos ?"

"Yup, go get them !"

"Yeah !"

He looks at the package as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world. He open it and makes it available.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now