the coolest friends

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Today, I had to wake up kinda early. It was really rude to be honest. When I was ready, I left my bedroom to going take my breakfast. But on my way, I met Kate.

"Hi good morning !" I said.

"Wow you are wake up ! Did you sleep well."

"Yeah thank you and I have my sound check to do this morning."

"Please can you go wake up Ruel. I have to talk with Nate and I'm really late right now."

"Sure !"

"Thank you Audrey ! Here is his bedroom's key."

"Ok see ya !"

"Bye !"

She made a big mistake.

☆ ☆ ☆

When I entered in the bedroom, I walked the tiny corridor and found him, in the bed he is still sleeping. I'm gonna surprise him again. I jumped in his bed, and he has been scared.

"Damn, Audrey !" He said hiding himself in his pillow.

"How did you know that it was me ?" I laughed.

"Because my mom never wake me up like that."

"Oh sorry." I began to caressing his hair. "Is that better like that ?"

"It's kinda weird from you, but you do it well."

"Come on, I'm not gonna wait you for hours ! I wanna visiting Amsterdam !"

"And I wanna sleep a little more, life is a bitch."

I lied next to him, we were face to face now. I was staring at him, his sleepyhead was the cutest thing ever. Why is he not like that all the time ?

"I feel you staring at me." He opened his eyes to meet mines. We looked at each other for a moment before we both laughed,

"Come on I have to go so wake up !"

"Ugh okay !"

"Thanks !" I said with a kids tone voice

☆ ☆ ☆

2 hours later :

"You'll see, the stage is cool."

"Can't wait to make my stuff on stage !"

"You mean singing ?"

"Nah actually I decided to cooking on stage, sing it's sucks."

"Yeah I understand..."

"Audrey we wait you !" My drummer yelled at me.

"Yup !"

I came on stage, checked if the microphone worked : "One, one two ! That's work ! Well we can start." The musicians stated playing. Ruel was clapping his hands. "Guys here is our new member of the paperclips club, he bullied me for being accepted."

"Hey I did nothing !"

"Ugh boys." My band laugh while I started to playing BLUBERRY SKIES.

Ruel stayed till the end of the sound check. He was one of my best fan, he looked proud of me.

"I rather your songs in live." He said.

"You listened my songs ?"

"Yeah, I wanted to remember the Y u gotta be like that's lyrics. And I started to listening to followin, and Fake heartbreak, and Bluberry skies and at the end almost all your songs."


"Yeah I know I'm a good friend."

"And this song is the last and it's for you."

"Yeah !"

When the Y u gotta be like that's instru began, a big appeared on his face. And he sang with me. That's made me laugh, he knew the lyrics better than me. Oops.

"We killed it !" My friend yelled.

"I'm hungry !"

"It's perfect !" he is looking at his phone "because my mom and your mom tell us to find them at a coffee after your sound check."

"Thank god !"

"Here we go !"

"Bye guys ! You were amazing" I said at my band.

"See ya !" They all responded.

☆ ☆ ☆

We joined our moms at this coffee. We ate, and as usual Ruel and I made stupid things, especially fighting.

"Ok kids Kate and I have to work for the entire evening. Do you wanna hang out ?"

I made an eye contact with my best friend, we had the same point of view.

"But not more far than yesterday Ruel." Ruel's mom said.

"Promise !"

"Keep your phone and be careful please, we have trust in you." My mom warm.

"And don't be late, you have your show tonight."

"Promise !" I said.

"Ok have fun kids !" My mom told us.

Then we left the coffee shop.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now