Hard sometimes

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"No don't leave, I need you !" I said cuddling Joey. We were behind the control gate.

"I would stay, but my mom will kill me if I'm not go back at home."

"I could call her, she really likes me and..."

"Don't waste you time Aud'." He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I don't want you to leave." I said pouting.

"Don't cry please, I don't wanna leave while you are in this state."

"Yeah, I will not crying. I'm a bad boy !"

"Perfect !"

I'm hugging him the strongest possible.

"Can't breath." He smirked.

"Don't care."

"Aud' ! You will kill him." Amisha told me.

"Okay !"

He said his last goodbye at mom and Amisha and a hand shake for me before completely leave.

"Are you okay honey ?" My mom asked

"Yeah, let's go back to the hotel." I said with a fake smile.

I didn't talk during the whole path. I was thinking about friends and home. When we arrived, I took refuge directly in my room. I sat down on floor still thinking. Damn why Tour looked unbearable now ? I decided to draw the blinds and lie on the afghan, still trying to not fall in tears. And slowly, my eyes closed.


I waking up, still on the floor, there was a uncomfortable silence. I'm ripping of the store to let some lighting. Nothing changed, I still felt sad.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was Ruel. Shit I had to call him since 2 pm, it's 5 pm.

"Hi." I said with a little voice and trying to be happy.

"Hi little o... wait are you okay ?"


"I'm fine."


"You're not obliged to hide you feelings with me you know ?"

There was a silence.

"No actually I'm not okay. And it's too hard sometimes to not crying." I said putting my hand on my mouth to try not to cause my sob to come out. But too late, it was too loud.

"Shit ! Do you wanna talk about it Audrey ?" He said worried.

"It's just that-that I miss home and Tour is starting to be really rough. I miss home, I miss friends and I miss you so much. I wanna be in your arms right now, not in one month !" I didn't know why I told him that.

"Calm down Audrey, don't worry, you just make a mental breakdown, it will pass. Breath in two hours it will be over."

"How you can be sure about that ?" I said sobbing. "Maybe I will be in this state during the whole Tour, maybe I will not love music anymore because of that, or just travel. How can you being sure about th..."

"Cause it's already happened to me !" He said cutting me off.

"Hard sometimes talk about pain during Tour right ?"


"I will listen this song the whole Tour to not feeling alone." I said softly laughing.

"I rather listen to you laughing."

"I'm a big fan of you Ruel."

"Really ?"

"Yeah, you are a rare person who knows when I'm sad and make me feel better. You always smile, even when you are sad, you're kind with everyone even if you don't even know them, and you are funny all the fucking time ! I admire you for that."

"I'm also you're biggest fan Audrey."

"You should not."

"Of course yes, you're so talented in music, you always make me smile, you're simple ! Though that sometimes you have a bad character, but I love the way you act, talk, sing, smile, cry, dance, sulk when I win at game, makes jokes. You're cool in any situation."

"Damn you are the best thing that happened to me, with music, lanky boy !" I said still crying.

"Same for me dumbass."

"You ruined the moment idiot !"

"I know, but that's became too friendly !"

"Ugh !"

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now