Dazed and Confused

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Stage is officially the best place in the world. I feel so good on stage. And damn I always have this feeling that someone put the kindest people in a same place !!! Everyone is soooooo cute !

Sometimes, I could see Ruel in the back of the room fanboying on my songs. He was dancing and screaming maybe harder than the fans. One of my best fan is my best friend, I was the luckiest girl...

"Well guys, it's my last song and it's Ruel's favorite." Fan laughed "He knows every single lines of the song so if you hear again someone yelling it's my boy."

The fans were looking at Ruel. He laughed too and made big signs for that the others fans see him. Then Y u gotta be like that's instru began to play, that's been crazy. I tried to not looking at him non stop during the entire concert but it was really hard, especially for this song. I also wanted to make him proud 'cause he invited me and without him, I couldn't being here.

At the end of the song everyone applauded me then I left the stage. Amisha was already waiting me in backstage.

"You kill it girl !" She yelled over the noises of fans who were still screaming.

"Thanks.... Whe-where is he ?" I asked excited.

Amisha stared at me then looked at something that seemed to be behind me. I turned around I saw Ruel trotting towards me. I decided to run towards him and he did the same. I jumped into his arms. He was stronger than me so I backed up, we almost fell.

"You were amazing." He said laughing.

"Thank you !" I mumble in his shoulder, damn he smells so gooooood !

What !? Did I really say that ?

"Ok guys calm down you just didn't see each other for couple of minutes you don't have to act like that !" Amisha said.

This time we didn't listen to her and still hugging. It's when I saw my mother that I stopped to hugging him to go in my mom's arms. "You were amazing honey !" my mother told me.

"Congrats Aud' it's one of your best show !!" Jenny said.

"Really ?"

"100 percent sure !" My mom said.

"You are really talented !" Kate told me. "Your voice is beautiful !!!"

"Wow thank you !" I look at Ruel who put an arm around my shoulders. "It's will be your turn !"

"Can't wait !!!"

We talked all together about my performance suddenly we heard the drummer playing, It was Ruel's turn. I look at him, he smiled at me I think he has the beautifulest smile ever.

Why I said that ?

"Come with me !" He inquired. I nodded and followed him holding his hand. Parents also were following us. Fans screamed again, Ruel danced on the drum's beat. I did the same until the show began.

"Ok we have to go !" Kate said.

Ruel was ready he said goodbye at everyone before hug my waist and give me a kiss on my forehead and went on stage. Chills were suddenly thrown down my spine. WHAT THE FUCK !!!

"Bye for real !" I told him kinda nervous.

"Bye for real little one !!" He smiled and I felt more nervous.

☆ ☆ ☆

We were in the middle of the concert. I was fangirling Ruel so hard.

Like... this boy is awesome !!! He is kind and funny and beautiful and he sings really well. I understood fan's point of view now. My mom loved him so much too !

Ok wait Audrey, what are you doing ?! You hug him, you compliment him on everything, you never found him beautiful before ! Why now I see him in a different way ? A way that I've never seen him before. WHY I ALWAYS WANT FUCKING PHYSICAL CONTACT WIT HIM ?

Ruel finished the song face to face so dazed and confused started to play.

Why does he's so hot when he danced or sang like that ?! Ok what the hell is going on !!!??? ...Nope...that can't be this thing that I don't want at all... unless... do I like Ruel ? NOOOOO... yes... NOPE... OK MAYBE.

Damn what did you do to me Ruel ? I'M FUCKING DAZED AND CONFUSED NOW.

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