Not Thinkin' about you

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I spent my evening with my parents, we watched movies with our dog lying on our thighs. For our return, dad cooked, and without burning the house. Yeah I know it's really impressive. It's been an amazing evening.

The day after, I spent my morning washing my clothes and I tidied my bedroom. At 4 am, my friends knocked at my door. My mom opened it and a big wave of stupid people entered in my living room. They brought a cake and pizzas to cook.

"Hi !" They all told be one by one

"Come on the terrace we will be better there."

They followed me and sat down on the chairs.

"So what happened in Australia ?" They all sighed at the same time.

"What ?" I said amused.

"We don't care about us, we went here to know what happened to you during this couple months." Liza said.

"Did you meet a girl for me ?" Joey asked exciting.

"Haaa-nope... they all wanted Ruel or Kyle." I said laughing.

"Arg shit !" Joey said annoyed.

"Sorry for this girl, I'm taken." Kyle said with a fuckboy face.

Everyone laughed.

"What ! Wh-why I didn't know that ? Would it be the girl you had a date with before  I left ?"

" 'Cause it's really new and her name is Grace."

"She is so sweet !"Amber said.

Everyone nodded.

"Did you meet her ?"

"Yeah we went get some food a couple days ago and Kyle text us saying « hi guys,  huh can I come with my girl ? »." Logan said with an acute voice, we all laughed.

"So there was Amber and Liza interrogating Kyle for almost 1 hour by text and Logan and I, we just nodded and said : « CHAMPION ! »." Joey said nodding with a smile.

"I'm on the Amber's and Grace's side." I said laughing.

"Now tell us about your Tour !" Liza asked.

"Oh yeah... It was awesome ! My band is awesome, Jenny is awesome, Misha too !"

"Misha was extremely tired of us." Joey said.

"Yeah and it's been worse when I had my shows with Ruel." I said with a nostalgic voice.

"Oh yeah you were fire together." Logan said.

"Yeah it was really cool to be with him..." I wave of sadness owerwhelmed me. Girls have seen that, I knew that I will have a conversation with them. I didn't know if boys notices there was something wrong with me... it's better like that. Him he would have directly noticed...

"So hum yeah I loved everything in Europe, people are so kind..."


It was 9 pm now, boys left. I was in my bedroom with Amber and Emma in my bedroom. I turned on some music and we were talking tidying my room and chatting.

"So..." Amber said looking at Liza "...does something happen during Tour ?"

"Why do you say that ?" I act dumb.

" 'Cause you look sad since your shows in Amsterdam ended."

"Oh hum no..."

They looked at me with suspicious look.

"Maybe... hum... maybe I did not talk to Ruel since this shows."

"What why ?" They both said.

"Huhh... it's just complicated." I sighed.

"Come on tell us !" Liza demands.

"Hum... we almost kissed..." My friends held their breath but I backed away

"Naaaah !" They both said shocked.

"Why ?" Wanna understand Liza.

"Ugh because even I feel this way I don't wanna feel this way ! Love is sucks and It's gonna messed up our friendship."

We fall out silence.

"So... you don't talk to each other." Amber said.

"Actually before I left I told him that I will call him, but we didn't talk to each other once"

They took a breath.

"Ok, I think you know what we think of this whole situation." Amber said. "And you know that we both have a different opinion of you."

They thought that I should shoot my shot because I like him, but they knew that I was not going to do it.

"We don't judge you. Now we just need to know what do you want to help you." Liza said.

The was a silence.

"Damn all this is really silly." I site on my bed trying to not cry. They came hugging me. "To be honest... I- I may no know what to do." I said crying as quietly as possible. Tears rolled down my cheeks, Liza caressed slowly the top of my head to comfort me.

"You tried to forget him during those two months right ?" Liza questioned.

I nodded.

"Well we have 4/5 days before he come back. We gonna make sure you don't think about him." Amber said.

"O-ok..." I sniffed.

It was the best thing to do, I will try harder to forget him and my feelings.
Yeah I'm gonna be get over you before you came back Ruel Van dijk. I'm not thinkin' about you know.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now