kinda nice

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Okay the show was so sick, and the singer too. Amber and Liza couldn't stop repeat « oh my god what a hunk ! ». I think boys were jealous. I stop to thought about them and started to be really focus on his music. And to be honest I had shivers at every single song, it's really weird. I looked around me, some girls were in tears to leave Ruel, poor girls.

"Come on guys, we gonna congratulating him in backstage." Logan said holding my hand to don't lose me in the crowd.

We entered in a corridor, were only vip people could enter.

"So what do you think about him." Logan asked.

"He was so sick." Joey said still enthusiastic.

"I melted at every fucking song." Amber said lovingly.

"Me too." Liza confirmed.

"And the singer of the group, what does she think ?" Logan asked.

"I have to recognize that he is a G.O.A.T at singing."

"So why you don't you tell him." He said pulling the curtain that was behind him for immediately see Ruel talking with someone.

I directly became shy while my besties were ready to be marry with him.

"Hi guys !"

"Hi Ruel, my name is Joey, and you're show have been amazing." He said ecstatically.

"Hi nice to meet you." He said squeezing Joey's hand.

"Everyone loved your show." Liza said.

"Wow, thanks !"

His look meet mine.

"Ow, I was going to forget : Here is my other best friend Audrey." Logan introduced me.

"Hi !" I said with a shyly tone.

"Hi ! So you're the singer of the squad..."

"Yes I am. But I'm a shit compared to you."

"Nah, I think I've already listen to one of your song once and it was really cool."

"Are you sure that it was my song ?" I said laughing

"Yup, it was like hum... « Why you gotta be like that ? Why you gotta be like that ? ». He said singing. "After I don't know the lyrics."

"Oh my god ! Yes that's one of my songs !"

"I really have to listen to it again ! Now that's gonna be stuck in my head !"

"WOW thank you ! And for me it's one of your song who's still stuck in my head, I don't know if it's because I'm a little bit psycho but she makes me think about Frank Ocean's song..."

"It's « Don't cry » doesn't it ? " He cutting me of.

"Yeah it is, that song is insane !"

"Thank you and..."

"Huh excuse me, do you want a drink ? Do you wanna that we leave." Liza said.

"Sorry." We both apology.

"It's okay, Ruel do you wanna come eat something with us ?" Kyle propose.

"Of course ! Just wait ten minutes, I will shower me cause I sweated then we can go."

"Ok take your time." Logan said.

He left with a big smile.

"Wow, you had a big chemistry with the hot singer." Amber said smiling.

"He's really nice !"

"In particular with you tiny singer." Kyle said.

"Nah, he just said that to be polite."

"Wow, so you're really polite in this family. " Liza told to Logan smirking.

"Rohh ok bye Felicia."

"No Audrey stay there, don't be mad." My friends yell.

I smiled, that was always like that when they started to annoy me.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now