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Ruel joined us during the evening because of a drunk Logan who called him. We both act like we haven't at kissed each other one hour ago. It was almost 3 am now and everyone except Liza, Ruel and me were drunk.

"We should go." Liza said while we were watching our friends dancing on a table.

"Humm how I'm gonna leave ? Logan can't drive and it's his car."

"Don't worry, my cousine was my driver. I'm gonna be your driver." Ruel said.

"Sure ?"

"Yeah I'm okay."

I smiled at him if I could I kissed him right now.

"Ok tell them that we have to go, I'm going to go find top bags in case they vomit." Liza said before let us alone.

"Are you ready for your babysitting session ?"

"Never done this before."

"It's more difficult than it seems."

"Oh... ok"

"As it's your first time I let you talk to girls, they are sweeter."

"Wow so kind." He said sarcastically.

"Some advice: don't be rough when you talk to them they might cry, don't let them look at themselves in the phone they could also cry, and if they say something with nonsense tell them you are agree with them."

"What kind of something ?"

"Something like « I'd rather eating a pony instead of a toe »" I said with a weird voice

"Does this already happened ?"

"Humm maybe... ok see ya" I left a Ruel kinda panicked but I knew he'll be fine.


Boys were... the same drunk boys : more stupid, really embarrassing and very heavy to carry. I hated when those three were like that it's really tiring. I found Ruel next to the front door, he looked tired.

"Girls are sweeter huh !" He had a traumatized face.

"You really are fragile, Van dijk." I smirked.

"Oh come on !!! Amber flirted with me and Grace wanted to brush my eyebrows !! Do you think that it's sweet ?" I laughed so hard. "It's not funny they also tried to touch my butt !"

"They are kinda soft tonight !"

"GOD !" His eyes rolled.

"Ok guys I found it ! And how was it Ruel ?" Liza asked.

.Worst experience ever !!" She laughed ! "You let her the girls ?" I answered by nodded. .God you are such fragile !.

"What !!!?"


When all the drunk people were in their car, we said goodbye to Liza and we entered in the car.

"Ok guys there are top bags if you wanna vomit !" I said.

They shrugged something then Ruel started to drive. Some minutes later, they were sleeping like babies. I took a picture of them. All guys (even Ruel) planed before the party to sleep at Logan's house so he just had to drop me off at my house.

"Well it's been an interesting night." I said shy.

"Yeah didn't expect that to be honest..

"It is true that it is not every day that someone try to flirt with you or brush your eyebrows." He giggled.

"I didn't talk about that stupid !" I looked at him smiling.

"Wanna pee !" Logan suddenly yelled.

"Hold on !" Ruel said.

"We are arrived to my house." I told him.

"Ughh !!!.

I opened my car door. Ruel was now in front of me.

"So have a good night !"

"Yeah you too." He took my hands his eyes flicked between my eyes and my lips.

"Text me when you're at Logan's."

"Ok !" He pouted.

A few inches separated our lips.

.Come on guys !!!! I wanna back home !" Logan groaned.

"Ok see you later." I said nervously because our drunk friend was looking at us.

"Bye for real !" He said kissing my forehead.

"Bye for real lanky boy."

He came back inside the car and turned it on and left. I entered in my house which was silence and ready for bed. Just before sleeping my phone buzzed.

Mom, I'm home !

Good night stupid

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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