Pacify them please

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"HQPDVEMCYEAICVNWM don't feel right !!" I said while Ruel went over me.

"It's just a concert like others."

"Hum yes but no."

"Don't be scared, they all love you. During the meet and greet they all talk about you, they maybe went only for you."

"They also talk about you at my M and G."

"Yes but no."

I pushed him softly laughing. And he took my hand and spun me. "We look like lovers." I said.

"Nah it's like this time when we were at the beach and that we danced on painkiller, really good song by the way." And he made me spin again. At the end of the spin we were so close, I could feel his breath.

"Yeah I like the song but the singer looks dumb." I giggled.

"Heyyy !" He tried to make me fell but I grabbed his jumper. I looked at him with a proud smile. "I fell, you fell."

"Ugh why aren't you dumb ?!"

"Don't know, not my fault."

"You have 10 minutes Audr... owww I may be disturbing." Jenny said looking Ruel and me who were really really really close. We pulled away as if we had just burned ourselves."So hum yeah 10 minutes" and she left.

We look at each other with an embarrassing face. But we forgot that really fast. Ruel took my hand and we sat down on the floor in a corner. We should look like kids.

"Are you still stressed ?" He asked.

"Yup !"

"Okay, I have a thing to make you thing about something else."

"And what is it ?" I said curious.

"A thumb-wrestle !"

"Oh I'm so good at this game !!!"

"But I'm better !"

"We'll see that."

"I'm gonna destroy you little one."

"Don't scared of you, you can't even make me fall."

"Yup but I noticed that you can fall by yourself."

"Shut up !"

We put our thumbs in place and the battle started. Ruel almost won a lot of times.

"It's not equal your thumb is bigger than mine"

"You can give up if it's what you want."

"Nope !" I tried to annoy him by pressing my forehead very hard against his to distract him. But he didn't care, he pressed back.

"What are you doing guys ?" Amisha inquired.

We stopped our fight and we look at her our foreheads were still touching.

"Oh humm nothing." I said smiling.

"Yeah nothing important." Ruel responded.

"Hum okay, you are on stage in 5 minutes Aud'." Amisha said kinda confuse.

"Ok see ya !" We both said.

And she walked away with a misunderstanding face.

Ruel and I looked at each other and laughed. Ok we were kinda strange tonight.

"Come on, we have to be near the stage now."

"Yeah you right."

He took my hand and we stood up.

"Can I ride on you back pleaaaaaaase." I asked with a kid tone.

"Ugh okay."

"Thanks ! Wow so it's how you see ? It's really high."

"If you say so..." Then the lanky boy started to run until we were near the stage.

A song was played by the huge speakers. I began to dance. He watched me with a surprised look then we danced like the last time when he spun me. Now, I was in his arms and my feet was on hers there were 2 feet instead of 4. I laugh so hard because we almost crashed to the ground more than once.

It was funny, dancing like fools, it's made me feel like I was at home again with him. When the song was ending my head was on his shoulders, his parfum makes me think about home once again. By the way, I noticed that Ruel's always been my home, actually I feel great with him. Ok we drive each other crazy, but it's because I appreciate him and I guess that he appreciate me back.

But wait it's not like it seems to be. We don't dance in romantic way, we don't know how to dance. So we more look like ducks, yeah ducks.

"Guys I was looking for you everywhere !  And what were you doing." Amisha said suddenly. I quickly moved away from Ruel's arms.

"Nothing." We both said.

"Ok pacify them, they getting on my nerves. You are really weird tonight guys, did you know that ?"

"As usual." We both said again.

"Ugh ! Be ready Audrey, I will find everyone and then it's time."

"Ok see ya !"

We looked at each other for a moment and grin. I run my fingers through Ruel's hair because it hid his face.

"Damn your hair is soft as fuck !"

"Ugh please don't be like these girls from my group of friends who do hairstyles all day !"

"You mean the girls in your other squad of friends ?" I asked laughing.

"Yes." He sighed.

"Don't worry, I will not do that because I don't even know how to style my hair myself."

"Thank god !!!"

"Ok Audrey the musicians are ready so prepare yourself !! " Jenny said with a really excited tone. I hugged her, Amisha, my mother, I smiled at Ruel's mom and turned around Ruel.

"You gonna kill it like all the others shows !!" He yelled over the music and scream's fans hugging him. I hugged him very hard and he did it harder. "Ok you won !" I said when I almost couldn't breathe. He stopped and stare at me smiling then he scrunched my hair.

"Come on and most of all have fun !!!"

"I'm gonna kill this show !!!"

"Yeah have fun sweetie." My mom told me.

Then I came on stage with the biggest smile ever. Before I quickly heard Ruel told me « bye for real » before I only hear instruments and people.

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now