family thing ;)

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"We though you would never come." Liza yells because of all of these people.

"Excuse us but Ruel's fan girls are really psycho." Joey said who was still shook.

"Ruel, is that is name ?" I ask.

"Yup, original huh ?" Logan said.

"It's kinda cool, you can make jokes with his name and the word « rule »."

"It's awesome for Joey." Kyle said.

"Yup but don't do that, it's dont even funny." Logan sighed.

"Is it actually." Joey smirked.

Logan roll his eyes, Joey and I giggling.

"Ugh, never let them both again." Amber said.

Everyone was agreed.

"I don't understand, we were funny." My friend whispered me.

"They don't understand the real humor my lil joe."

"You're right."

He was looking at me like if it was obvious. After that, the concert began. The stage was still empty. There was so many lights, it was beautiful. Everyone screamed and applauded, my ears weren't prepare to this. I looked those young girls with stars in their eyes, it was really cute. A woman started to sing, she was really good. Some girls knew the lyrics of the lyrics. My besties and I, danced and laughed, boys were mocking at us. But we didn't care, 'cause we were together, had good mental and physical health, and it was the most important. When the girl finished singing, we waited during 30 minutes. It wasn't annoying actually, we were talking and making jokes. We haven't seen the time go by. The drum began to play, the girls screamed louder.

"What the hell, how does he makes that ?! Kyle questioned grimacing.

"Because he's talented." Logan responds.

"Because he's so hot."  Liza said and Amber at the same time than Logan.

They caught him off guard. Everyone was giggling.

"It's a family thing." My buddy said proudly.

"I'm not sure about that otherwise we've been already dating." Amber said.

We all eye rolled. Contrary of me, my besties loved having a boyfriend. I don't have time for this kind of thing. Sorry guys music is my first priority...

"Girls, you always find all the guys beautiful." I say annoyed.

"Hey, my cousin is different." Logan said offensed.

"Yeah he's probably a basic Aussie boy."

"No he is totally different." Liza said. "You'll have the proof in 3, 2, 1..."

A guy entered on stage, the screams were horrible. I saw his face and hum, okay he was maybe a little cute. I look at Logan and when he saw my face, he understood that he had won. This guy was different and fucking talented. Wait... what's wrong with me ?!!!

stupid teenagers in love :pWhere stories live. Discover now