Chapter 6

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I was looking at some really cool Galaxy knee socks when someone said hi.
"Oh hi." I turned around and saw a really cute worker staring at me.
"Hey do you need any help?" He asked.
"No thanks," I looked at his name tag ,"Aj?"
"Ya, well if you um need anything just tell me..."
"Ok..." I said.
"Abby?" I heard Matt call.
"Oh here you are. who was that?" He asked
"Oh just some cute worker." My face was red I could feel it.
"Cute... I knew she didn't like me..." he muttered as he was pulling his hair and walking out of the store.
"Matt? Matt come back!" I said, running after him.
A group of girls swarmed him and I lost him. I ran to the Build-A-Bear where Brina and Cam were, my face was sticky with tears. I told them everything while we walked to the car.
"Oh Abby just text him and tell him the truth." Brina said.
"Yea." Cam agreed.
So I did text Matt.
To Matt😍:
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I said it. please forgive me.

From Matt😍:
Where r u?

To Matt😍:
Heading to the hotel

From Matt😍:
K meet me in my room wen u get bac

To Matt😍:
I woke up from my nap screaming. I was crying and curled in a ball. I heard voices but I didn't understand them.
"Ari listen to me..." It faded.
"Ari please listen to my voice..." it faded again.
I screamed even louder while pulling my hair.
"...Towel..." the voice said.
I wet, warm towel pressed to my face. I stopped screaming, now I was just sobbing and shaking. I focused on my surroundings, I saw a boy with brown hair, a girl with hair in a pretty braid and another boy next to me.
"Sammi." I choked out before crying into his shoulder.
"Shh... it's ok, it's ok." he was stroking my hair with his chin on my head.
I sat there hanging onto Sam's sweat shirt and sobbing.
"Ari what happened?"
Me and Cam just got back from the mall, Abby went to Matt's room. I heard screaming and crying coming from my room so I quickly pulled the key card out of my purse and put it in the slot. I ran in and saw Ari in a ball on her bed.
*hour later*
"Its ok." Sam said as he held Ari and let her tell us what happened.
"Oh Ari..." I went over to her and hugged her, so did Cam.
I texted Abby what happened but she didn't reply. I was surprised at that because she would come running but then again she's with Matt. Abby's probably explaining to Matt what happened.
"Can you guys get me some ice cream?" Ari asked, I'm surprised she could even talk I mean she was shaking so bad.
"Sure." I hugged her then me and Cameron left to get ice cream.
"That was scary." Cam said.
"Ya this is the second time I experienced that with her." I remembered the first time in my head.
Cam looked down and then...
I ran to Matt's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door without looking up and went to sit on his bed.
"Matt, I..." I could barely talk I felt so bad.
"Why was he talking to you...?" He asked.
"He was asking me if I needed help, Matt" I tried putting my hand on his arm but he shoved it away. My eyes welled with tears threatening to spill over.
"Abby I'm sorry. I shouldn't have over reacted, we're not even dating so what does it matter." he said looking at me for the first time with tears in his eyes.
"Matt why would you get jealou..." I stopped talking and looked at him.
His face was beat red and he was looking the other way.
"Ok fine I like you! I didn't like the idea of you talking to him." He said.
"I like you too. I never really wanted to date him, he's not you." I said, hugging him.
He hugged back, he asked if I wanted to start over and go and see a movie.
When Cameron texted me that Ari was having a panic attack, I came running to her room.
*hour and a half later*
Ari fell asleep so I picked her up and put her on the bed. I climbed in with her and fell asleep. We stayed like this for a long time till she started hitting my arm. I gently shook her a little so she would wake up. She opened her eyes looking unsure of things,then she closed her eyes and snuggled into my side. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head. We both drifted off to sleep again.
This is a good chapter in my opinion.

Tell me whatcha think<3

That cliffhanger with Brina👌

I decided to update today because my friends won't stop buggin me so there~ Ari✌️

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