Chapter 16

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I look out the window and see Sam jogging up with a present in hand.

"Hello, I'm Sam." he says to my grandparents.

My parents give him dirty looks and go to the other room. After we broke up they blamed him for everything and hate him now.

I stand there for a mu the before running up the stairs and going into my aunts old room.

"Sam sweetie, I think it's best if you stay out here for a little bit." I hear my grandma say.

A few seconds later I see my aunts and grandma with a pint of ice cream and a pillow.

"Hey, it's ok." my grandma rubbed my back while I cried.

"I want to se him. Alone please." I mumble.

"Ok sweetie." my aunt says.

They all get up, they kiss my forehead and my grandma rubs my back a little.

"Sam, she wants to see you. Just be careful she will get mad." I hear one of them say.

I walked into her room and saw Ari eating ice cream, her face is stained with tears and makeup. Well no going back now, I think to myself.

"Hi Sam." I says before sniffling.

"Look I'm sorry. I just, I needed to see you. I broke up with Ela, well more like she broke up with me." I laugh half-heartedly.

I sat down on the end of the bed and looked at my hands. We didn't say anything, we just sat there and didn't look at each other.

"Sam I still love you. I've missed you and I've been depressed because you got a beautiful girlfriend..." She said and looked at me.

"I didn't even like Ela I just needed something to get you off my mind. I went to a club found her and well..." i trailed off.

She laughed/huffed and got a spoonful of ice cream.

"How'd she react?" She asked.

"Well... she said she was planning to break up with me." I looked at her.

"Well I guess that was convenient for you both." She laughed.

"Ya..." I trailed off.

I lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for awhile. I heard the sheets rustle and a head on my chest, I played with a piece of her hair.

"I've missed this." I say looking at her.

"Me too." she smiles.

"Wanna go downstairs?" I ask her.

"Ya." she got up and laid her hair flat.

We walked down, everyone was in the living room opening presents. I sat on the floor while leaning on the couch, Ari sat behind me on the couch. some of her family was staring at me so I just ignored them and payed attention to her little brother opening presents.

"Oh ya," I got up and grabbed my present for her, "here you go."

She takes the present and laughs. Thanks, she says between laughs. Ari puts on the shirt that says 'I'm with Idiot' with a arrow pointing at me. Her family laughs at it an smiles at me. I ate with her family and had a great time. Her family made me laugh even harder than I thought I could laugh.

*3 days later*
Me, Brina and Sam are flying back to LA today. We are all at my parents, saying goodbye's and I love you's. Lastly I saw Abby, I started crying and hugged her.

"Please come with us." I said.

"Sorry but I can't, softball is starting up, I have dance class and I can't leave everyone." Abby replied sadly.

After we separated from our hug we got into my car and drove to the Airport. We were singing 'Riptide', 'Blank Space' and a ton more off-key.

We arrived at the Airport, I took out the keys to the rental car and we walked in. I gave the keys back to the enterprise and went through security. I went through, then Brina and lastly Sam. Sam walked through and it started beeping like crazy, we just stared. Sam was patted downing it turned out to be his keys to the apartment. The guards took him away, I just calmly walked to the built in Starbucks and ordered a low-fat frappè.

"Low-fat?" Brina pointed to the cup.

"Oh, um ya..." I said nervously.

"Are you ok? You've barely eaten today." She says suspiciously.

"Ya I just wasn't hungry." I swe Sam come out with his things.

"Hey Sam." we both say.

We start walking to the terminal, soon enough they call our flight. I got seated next to Sam and Brina got seated next to a girl around our age.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Yes! God damn." I half whisper, half yell.

"Sorry, you just have been acting weird." Sam looked down.

I instantly feel bad, "Sam I'm sorry, I just have a problem right now."

"Hey it's ok." Sam nudges me lightly, I smile.

*2 hours later*
Ari is asleep and it's so adorable, she's curled in a ball and covered in her hoodie. You know, it's weird. She's been wearing long-sleeves a lot recently. Then it hit me. I looked at her and almost cried.

I nudged her awake and told her we were getting off. She brushed her hair with her fingers and grabbed her carry-on. We all walked to Baggage Claim and found our luggage.

I bought them Starbucks, Candy Can Frappè, Caramel Mochà and a Cotton Candy Frappè.

"Here you go." I had them the drinks.

"Uh I'm not hungry." Ari says quickly.

"You haven't eaten the whole plane ride, your eating." I scolded her.

"Well can you at least get me a Vanilla Low-Fat Frappè?" She asked in a voice that made me melt.

"Fine, if it means you'll eat." I take it and tell the barista that there was a bug in it.

I walk back to them and give Ari the new one. She takes about 4 sips then goes to throw it out. I grab her arm, she yanks it back roughly.

"Don't grab my arm again Sam." she tosses the drink into the trash.

"You haven't been eating, I want you to eat." I reply calmly.

She stops for a minute then goes back to Brina and grabs her suitcase. we walk out in silence, except for the people in the Airport.

We get into Ari's car, it's still silent. The whole ride, silent. When we get to the apartment, Ari runs to our room. All I heard was a scream and a thud.
Jk jk

Any suggestions? Tell me on Twitter @heyitsari9


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