Chapter 23

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I mean who would love me? I screw up everything. I screwed up my relationship with Sam, why would he love me?

I clicked pause on the video I was watching and tilted my head backwards. I rubbed my face and decided to go wash of my makeup.

I was walking to the bathroom when I heard Sam crying. Its only us in the apartment, Kian left a few hours ago.

I walked away, almost is tears. I opened the door to my room and grabbed my phone.

Snapchat from Brina🍉
Snapchat from Peyton👯
Snapchat from Peyton👯
Message from Groupies
Manon50 liked your Instagram photo

||End of Notifications||

I opened my phone and checked. When I went on Instagram I saw a picture we took over FaceTime. I smiled and kept scrolling. I got a notification that someone mentioned me in a comment.

I clicked the photo and saw a picture of me and Sam, in the caption it said, 'Why'd they break up?!'

In the comments I saw so many things.

'She cheated on him! DUH'

'Sam went for another girl'

'Sam broke up with her bc he never loved her😂'

'All of you stfu it's their business'

I started crying, my makeup ran down my face. my pillow was now stained with makeup and tears.

"Ari?" Sam knocked on the door.

"What?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." I said and sat up.

Sam opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Did someone tag you to a page on Instagram?" He was looking down.

His hair was messy and he had no shirt on.

"Mhm." I nodded and tried not crying.

"They tagged me too..." Sam looked at me.

"Was it true? Did you ever love me?" I looked down at my hands.

"Of course I did! I did all that shit because I was scared to fucking lose you!" He got up and ran his hands through his hair.

I felt tears form in my eyes.

"God damn it! Please say something!" He slammed his hands on the end of the bed.

"S-sam." He was now crying.

He got up and walked out.

I cried harder and hugged myself. My phone went off with my text notification.

From Sam❤️:
I love you. I'm sorry I've been a shitty boyfriend. I get it if you hate me, I get it if you never want to talk to me again. I'm packing tomorrow. I'm going to move back in with my parents. I love you so much, it's okay if you can't say the same.

I dropped my phone and cried myself to sleep.

*Next Morning*
I woke up at 7:00 and went to get donuts and iced coffee. I set the food down on the counter and went to start packing.

I was almost done packing my shirts when I heard Ari's door open and close.

"Hey, uhm there's donuts and iced coffee for you on the uh counter." I stuttered after opening my door.

"Thanks... Sam can we talk?" She looked at me.

"Course." I said.

"Well I'm gonna go get the iced coffee and then I'll knock on your door."

"Ok." I closed my door and finished packing my pants/shorts.

I started to get changed when Ari knocked on my door. I opened the door shirtless.

"Why is it I always see you shirtless?" She laughs.

"Well I think we both know the answer." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Shut the fuck up." She shoved me.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?" I said while pulling on a black hoodie.

"Well first off I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting like a bitch and not talking to you." She took a sip of the drink.

"Well I was the one who made this mess. You shouldn't be apologizing." I put down the hoodie I was putting away and sat next to her.

She put her head on my shoulder, "I'm leaving for home."

"What?" I looked at her.

"I'm going home to Florida." She picked up her head with small tears going down her face.

I was lost for words.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." She hugged me and wiped away her tears.

Wow... this is sad.

Love you guys! Also thank you so much for 200+ reads.


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