Chapter 15

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After Ari sped off I tried calling and texting her multiple times but she never answered me. I told Brianna that she can go fuck her self and get a life.

I felt horrible, I went back to our apartment and looked for her but she wasn't there. After I gave up looking Cam called me.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Cam yelled as soon as I picked up.

"Where's Arianna?" I relied calmly.

"Why would you want to know? Your the one that was caught with a girl on your arm." Cam retorted.

"Excuse me?! I was trying to get Brianna to leave me and Ari alone!" I yelled into the phone.

"Wow. great job on that." Cam was probably rolling his eyes at me.

He hung up the phone. I threw my phone on the couch and grabbed my keys. I left and went to Kian's house. (aka the O2l House)

"Hey Kian?" I asked after he picked up the phone.

"Hey what's up?" He replied.

"I'll be at your house in 10." I say.

"Ok." he hung up and I put my phone down.

I tried texting Ari but as soon as I looked over and grabbed my phone a Semi went into the intersection and hit me.

All I feel is pain and I hear distant sirens and calls.

I was helping Ari calm down when I got a phone call.

"Hello is this Sabrina Delter?" A voice said.

"Yes this is." I reply.

"Well Samuel Pottorff just got into a serious car accident." my breathing hitched.

"I will be right there. What hospital?" I ask quickly.


"Thank you so much. bye."


I hung up and ushered Ari into the car. I told her What happened and she screamed and cried harder than ever. Cameron stayed silent the whole ride.

We ran into the hospital and asked the lady at the desk.

"Emergency Care." she replied.

We sat in the waiting room, only family can see him. Ari stopped crying and wiped her makeup off.

"Arianna?" The doctor calls.

She stands up and walks to the doctor.

"Sam wants to see you." I saw her stop breathing for a minute.

"O-ok." she said nervously.

I walked into Sam's room, he was bruised and had wrappings on his head. the was a cast on his arm, leg and around his ribs.

"Hey idiot." I laughed sadly.

"Hey princess. " He got out.

I laughed lightly and laid my head on his pillow.

"I'm sorry, my ex was threatening you and I couldn't let her do it so I agreed to meet her." He had tears all on his face now.

I lifted up my head and sat up. I didn't look at him, I just looked at the floor.

"Sam..." I sigh.

I can hear him lightly sniffling.

"Sam, I-I think we need a break."

Those words shattered me. I fell apart crying, I felt terrible.

*2 Months Later*
It's been 2 months since Sam and I took a break, I haven't seen anyone but Sam started dating a girl named Ela. I miss him so much but he's happy with her. Ela is a nurse that takes care of him because his leg is still mildly injured.

"Hey get up lazy ass." I shove Brina to let her know we're here.

"Five more minutes." She groaned.

"Fine have fun being flown back to LA." Her head shot up and she got up.

"Thank you." I shoved her again.

*30 Minutes Later*
I pull into my grandparents driveway. I dropped Brina off. I'm already greeted by barking dogs and greetings.

"Oh my gosh, hi sweetie we missed you." my grandma kissed my cheek.

I hug all my family and we go inside.

"Daisers!" I yell and crouch down. my aunts tea cup poodle Daisy climbs onto my lap and I pick her up.

"Hi baby girl!" I kiss her head and pet her. Then the house goes quiet, everyone looks at me and the dogs go crazy.

I look to see what their barking at an I see...
Ahahah are you angry with me yet😂

Well hope you liked.

Any suggestions? Tell me on Twitter @heyitsari9


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