~Prologue 2~

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Jungkook looks down at his phone and examines the loading screen to 'Daddies 'R' Us. He's never heard of this app before but it can't be anything too bad if Namjoon has the app right? Though his intuition tells him to not let down his guard yet. 

The screen loads and he's met with a series of steps to create his account. He turns to his friends and shows them the screen. 

"It's asking for a user name, what do you guys suggest?"

"Something cute" Namjoon suggests "like baby-kook?" 

"Hell to the fuck no." Jungkook replies, wrinkling his nose up in disgust at the suggestion. 

"I think baby faced kook would be cute, any way you don't get a choice in this Kookie. This is your dare after-all." Jimin chides. 

"What about Junglecock69" Seokjin pipes in, laughing hysterically at his own suggestion. 

"Why don't we just combine the two and be done with it already?" Yoongi scoffs out. "I want to get shit-faced as soon as possible thank you." 

"Okay, i'll just put babyfacedjunglecock69, that way everyone's happy." 

Hoseok bursts out laughing at that, he's way too tipsy. Jungkook knows when Hoseoks getting a little too drunk because he laughs at literally everything, even his own reflection. 

"Okay now it's asking for a profile picture, what one should I choose?"

Jungkook flicks through his gallery and shows the group some suggestions, particularly liking the selfie he took this morning:

Jungkook flicks through his gallery and shows the group some suggestions, particularly liking the selfie he took this morning:

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Hoseok squeals out "No no nooooooooo, a bunny picture, put a bunny picture please. It will be cute. You're a bunny."

Everyone bursts into laughter, well everyone except Jungkook. He's silently murdering his friends in his head. This serves him right for messing with them during truth or dare though.

Jimin sends Jungkook a picture of a cute bunny in a hat and Jungkook face-palms. He considers this okay though, at least nobody will be able to identify him on this app.

"Okay the bunny picture is going to be my profile picture, everyone happy with that?"

After listening to his friends mumble out agreements he moves onto the next step, age. Simple enough, 22. 

The next step is preferences? What the fuck is this site? 

"Guys, the apps asking for preferences and it's listed 'seeking a daddy' or 'seeking a baby' what the fuck is this shit? Is it a sugar daddy website?"

Namjoon laughs wholeheartedly as he responds, completely ignoring Jungkooks question. 

"Just pick seeking a daddy already and you will find out."

Jungkook does as he's told and clicks seeking a daddy, only to be horrified at the next screen that shows. What he's faced with is a list full of BDSM kinks. He turns to his friends horrified. 

"THIS IS A FUCKING BDSM APP LINKING SUB-MISSIVES AND DOMINANTS? WHAT THE FUCK JOON WHY ARE YOU ON THIS?" Jungkook bellows out, face flushed at what he's seeing on the screen. 

"That's Joon Hyung to you Kookie and everyone has preferences Jungkook, you never know what goes on behind closed doors" Namjoon winks at Jungkook and he feels completely and utterly dumbfounded at this revelation. 

"Anyways, there should be an option to select all, click it Kook." states Namjoon.

"What the fuck? No way am I doing that, who knows what type of people will try to talk to me on this app if they have these sexual preferences."

"That's the fun of it and that's also why it's a dare Kook." Yoongi pipes up, completely loving the turn the evenings taking. 

Jungkook sighs in defeat and clicks the 'select all' button and feels his face burn up with shame. 

A loading screen appears on the app which tells him to wait whilst the app finds daddies most suited to his interests. 

"It's finding people for me based on the interests I've been forced to choose." He glares at his friends and sticks his middle finger up at them all when they burst out laughing. "So I've just got to talk to the first guy that appears right?"

"That's right" Namjoon confirms. 

After a few minutes Jungkooks screen lights up as the app notifies him that available matches have been found for him. With shaky hands he opens up the app. He scrolls down to see the first match and his breath is knocked out of him. He looks up to his friends, eyes blown wide in shock. 

"What is it? What is it?" Jimin chants, clearly excited to see such a reaction from the youngest.

"This guys super hot, like insanely hot. I've never seen a guy so hot in my entire life. Chances are nobodies really this hot, he's got to be a 70 year old pervert in disguise surely?" Jungkook rambles on. 

"Doesn't matter, you've got to send him conversation request Kookie." Namjoon states. 

"Fine, fine." Jungkook mumbles out. 

Jungkook clicks accept under the guys picture and waits for a confirmation that the handsome stranger wants to talk to him. 

Whilst he waits he looks through his other suggestions, noticing that all the suggested daddies are hot as hell. This has got to be the biggest sham ever.... right? The last guy catches Jungkook's attention.

"Wait this guys holding a milkshake, let me add him too he seems cool. Anyone who appreciates milkshake is a friend of mine." Jungkook beams at the possibility of becoming friends with a fellow milkshake lover.

Namjoon laughs clapping his hands together "and so the obsession with Daddies 'R' Us begins. You're a goner now."

A/N: The next chapter will be going over this but in a more text like format- you'll see. 

After that chapter the text conversations will begin.


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