New messages from 'Traitor🔪'

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I'm outside shit face.


Hurry up or we will be late!!!


The hot lecturer awaits us👀


Shut the fuck up, i'm just putting my shoes on. Be patient.


I've been patient for the past 15 minutes. You could of at least let me in🤬


I'm coming out now.


I thought you came out of the closet years ago?


I seriously want to punch your face rn!



Jungkook opens the door to Jimin's shit eating grin and knows he's going to get on his nerves to the best of his ability today. He loves his best friend to the moon and back, but boy is he a piece of work. 

"Morning Kookie, I'm excited for today, are you?" he squeals in excitement as he continuously taps Jungkooks shoulder playfully, exerting way more energy than Jungkook can muster up in that moment.

"Why would I be? Same shit different day. The only difference being we may or may not have a new lecturer." Jungkook mumbles out, still half asleep. He had stayed up most of the night messaging Taehyung, so now he felt like a dead man walking.

"I have a good feeling about today, call it mothers intuition or whatever but I know this guys going to have visuals sent from heaven. All the girls are going crazy around campus."

"Great that's just what we need. Girls screaming throughout a two hour lecture, i'm overjoyed." Jungkook responds, sarcasm evident in his tone.

"You're such a buzz kill Kookie." Jimin sulks sticking out his tongue as he grabs Jungkooks wrist, he tugs lightly. "Come on Bunny let's go, we're going to be hella late if we don't hurry."

"Right." Jungkook shrugs off Jimin's hand and takes off, sprinting as fast as he can towards his lecture, leaving behind his friend who sighs at his antics. 

After a few minutes of running Jungkook glances over his shoulder and notices that Jimin's following him at a leisurely pace. He slows down enough for Jimin to almost catch up to him and then suddenly speeds up again. Leaving his companion behind once more as he heads towards the lecture hall, laughing at Jimin's struggling form. 

He soon arrives at his lecture. Jungkook stops a few meters ahead of the door, waiting patiently for his short legged friend to finally join him. Jimin catches up a few moments later, panting heavily as he tries to pull oxygen into his lungs. He glares daggers at Jungkook and sashays ahead into the lecture hall, playfully slamming the door closed in Jungkooks face before he can enter. Pay back for the previous stunt. 

At this Jungkook laughs wholeheartedly. He watches as his friend leans against the door and attempts to lock him out of the room. As a result Jungkook charges at the door shoulder first, effectively knocking Jimin on his ass in front of an entire lecture hall of students, who break out into a chorus of cackles and giggles. 

"Fucking jackass" Jimin groans out, trying not to burst into laughter. 

The shorter boy stands to wipe off the dust covering his ass with a light blush covering his cheeks, now looking around the room he notices the fits of his fellow students and something else that places a huge smile on his face. Quickly rushing in front of Jungkook he beams, mischief painted on his features. 

Jungkook pushes his way past his friend easily. But Jimin just grins and continues to look smug as fuck for no apparent reason. He fell on his ass in front of almost 300 people, why is he so happy? He looks like he just grabbed front row tickets to see a BTS concert. Putting that aside for the moment, Jungkook is just about to playfully scold his friend for slamming the door in his face when a deep voice interrupts him.

"Hello there, could you both please take a seat and stop gazing lovingly at each other. The lectures about to start." The raspy, deep voice demands. 

Turning around to face the owner of the voice, Jungkook feels his blood run cold. His heart rate elevating to a ridiculous pace as he stares at none other than Taehyung, his perverse yet super arousing online friend. Jungkook swallows as he takes in the view, eyeing up the other male from head to toe. 

He's really real.... and hes right in front of me... fuck don't freak out. 

He vaguely hears Jimins high pitched laughter over the sound of his frantic heartbeat. Collecting himself he goes to take a step towards the rows of seats but stops when he notices a sinful smirk grace his lecturers face.

"We haven't got all day, can you stare from your seat? Mr....?" Taehyung mocks, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip.

"Ah umm, Jungkook." He shyly responds, fidgeting due the intense look in Taehyungs eyes.

"Hmm.. Jungkook? Please take your friend and find a seat so I can begin the class." Taehyung raises a brow, daring the younger to disobey.

"Ah yes Dadd-"... Jungkook stops himself from finishing that sentence and clears his throat before trying again "yes sir."

"Good boy." The deep voice responds, as a huge grin envelops Taehyungs face. 

(A/N: I wrote this so fast, I'm actually shook..) 

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