To Hong Kong.

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A/N: My ability to write long chapters is meh, i'm sorry in advance :')

Jungkook found himself stood outside of the brightly lit establishment uniquely named 'Hong Kong'. The slight breeze tousled his dark hair around his face as he stood pondering over the name and it's meaning. Surely a BDSM club would be named something more....obscene? Right?

He and Jimin had met up and boarded the 20:48 train from Seoul to Gangnam after confirming all the necessary details with Yunho earlier in the evening. After hastily changing their clothes and rummaging through their things to locate their old summer ball masks they headed to the train station to meet up and embark on their journey. The ride only taking around 45 minutes. During that time the two boys conversed about everything BUT tonight's destination. Both too stiff and bewildered to broach the topic.

The two insisted on wearing masks tonight for the sole purpose of hiding their identities. The masks were nothing fancy nor scary, just plain black masquerade masks that they had wore for a university event. Jungkooks differed a little from Jimin's though.. why? His had bunny ears. Not due to his choosing of course, blame his friends and their immature yet highly amusing pranks. 

Jimin went a step further tonight and decided to spray paint his hair red, making use of old Halloween hairspray he used when he cosplayed as chucky, he didn't want to risk Taehyung recognizing his familiar strawberry colored tufts of hair. That was if they ran into the attractive lecturer at all.

Jimin and Jungkook were currently waiting outside for tonight's escort. Feeling flustered and uneasy in their striking masks and all black get up. Jungkook had notified Yunho previously of their outfits so that he would be able to identify them upon his arrival, due to his reluctance to 'send him a selfie'. Yunho had eagerly reassured Jungkook that it would be kosher to wear a mask as it is a common occurrence in the club, as many people do not wish to publicize their unique fetishes and kinks. Even if the club was considered a safe zone, a private place for people to explore their interests and sate their desires. This fact reassured Jungkook a great deal, as he found comfort in his hidden identity.

The plan was to meet up outside of the club at exactly 10:00 pm. The two boys thought they should arrive a little earlier as to not make their companion wait. That and they were both boneheaded when it came to following directions, therefore they left early with the intention of leaving enough time to search for the establishment in the event they got lost.

Night had fallen and the streets were illuminated by the sparkling lights displayed on brightly lit up clubs,  young adults filled the streets carrying sparklers or light sticks, ready to drink until they passed out or dance until their legs ached. So far, everyone that entered the dreaded club before them had seemed normal. Just your average folk, a varied age range sure, some young and some seemingly older but nobody looked in-conventional. And to Jungkooks dismay there was no sign of his favorite lecturer anywhere. 

Jungkook could feel the fear and apprehension raging throughout his entire body. He trembled but tried to convince himself that it was in fact excitement that he felt and that fear wasn't the cause of his quivering. Jimin seemed to be holding out alright, all things considered. That or he was really good at hiding his fear, something Jungkook had not quite mastered.

It wouldn't be long until Yunho arrived and the wait was eating him alive. Jimin tried to ease the tension every now and again by quoting phantom of the opera puns, due to the masks they wore, but Jungkook shut that down quick-time. He was too engrossed in his thoughts as questions plagued his mind. What would he see in there? Would he like it? What would Taehyung be doing? Would he notice him even in the mask?

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