b a b y

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s h i p : c h e n s u n g
g e n r e : f l u f f y  a s f
d a t e :  mrch 29 2020
p l a y i n g : g o d g o d g o d , e k
c r i n g e l e v e l : 9/10


Chenle hates human interaction.
He hated being around others and just simply loved his own space.

And today was no different so here he was, walking through the hallways writing down important notes from the previous class.

He pulled out his phone.
He opened a few social media apps before sighing and turning his phone off.

He had friends but they didn't understand him. He never showed his true self.
He always hid behind a smile.

His only real friendships were internet friendships. He didn't mind though. As long as he felt supported and loved in any kind of way.

Thinking deeply Chenle didn't notice a tall figure walking his way.

Chenle fell. And so did the other.

" oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and like I was just so- " Chenle kept rambling about nonsense until he heard a small giggle he looked up at the other finally seeing his face.

A tall guy with ashy brown hair looked down at him, the guy helped Chenle get up,,,a smile still on his face.

" you talk too much "

Offended Chenle raised a brow while crossing his arms.

" rude much "
The taller kept smiling as he looked at the slightly shorter boy.

" wanna get coffee later?
we can get to know each other a bit more I don't know "

Chenle finally smiled,,,he noticed the nervousness in the other boy's way of talking, and he couldn't say no to coffee so.

" I mean yeah sure "
" cool I'll see you "

Before Chenle could ask the other for his name or where they were going to meet he walked away.

Sighing Chenle started walking, in fact the complete opposite way, not bothering to go and ask him.
He got a notification so he pulled his phone out.

u n k n o w n :

ill pick u up at 7 if thats okey w you
i need ur address btw lol im not gna stalk u to that point
m e :
i- wHO
u n k n o w n :
oh i never introduced myself oops im jisung, the guy from earlier :)
m e :
ohh okey okey im chenle lol
bxytxarvs 99
_ u n k o w n - j i s u n g🧸_

j i s u n g 🧸 :
alrighty !
ill see ya ;)

With a silly smile Chenle walks into his English class.


After going home Chenle realized he has an exam to study for but he couldn't ditch the poor guy last minute so here he is.

Chenle liked fashion so he never stocked to one aesthetic.

[ im too lazy to explain it all ]

[ + blue wide-leg-jeans ]

[ + blue wide-leg-jeans ]

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Brushing his "mullet" Chenle kissed his mother's cheek as he took his wallet and phone and left.


" I thought you wouldn't show up "
Chenle heard a voice behind him so he turned around putting his phone on the table.

" why'd you come then? "

Jisung sat in front of Chenle ignoring his question.

" you have a good fashion sense didn't think you'd be interested in those kinds of things "

" just call me a bottom and go "

Jisung giggled a bit as he got up.

" what would you like ? "

Chenle blushed a bit knowing he could have ordered before the other came so he wouldn't have to pay,,,

" iced tea please "

Jisung smiled a bit as he nodded making his way to the counter.

After a few minutes he comes back with Chenle's iced tea and his own drink.

" so Chenle, tell me more about you "


After talking and getting to know each other
They went stargazing.

" you know,,,I've always wanted to stargaze with someone but I had no one so thank you Jisung... "

Jisung rolled on to his side, facing Chenle, he got up helping Chenle get up as well.

They stood there in comfortable silence looking over at the lake in front of them,,,

Jisung surprised Chenle with a tight hug,,,
He released his grip after a bit looking down at the older male.

" you look really pretty "

Chenle giggled as he hugged Jisungs waist.
They stayed like that for a few minutes before Jisung patted Chenle's head, asking him to pull away from the hug.

" cuddles at my place? "

Jisung asked as he booped Chenle's nose.

" yes sir "


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