Chapter 1

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This book includes more than 2 languages, English, Italian and Spanish.

Italian was needed with this storyline, I do know basic Spanish so I tried my best but I'd appreciate if you point out any errors that you find, I'm only human. I have inserted translations in the comments of every dialogue, so that will be easy for you. But still, pardon my slight mistakes if you spot any.




"Savannah will go there." I hear my father say as I come downstairs to the living room. "Where am I going papa?" I ask. "To the Rupen territory." He replies with a tight smile.

"Dare I ask why?" I pour myself a glass of orange juice as I lean against the kitchen counter, "Alpha Logan wants to send some documents to Alpha Rupen."

"Why should I go?" I ask emphasizing on the word. "Cuz I volunteered on your behalf." He says plainly. "Why would you do that papa?" I groan out of annoyance "You know that territory has tight security, I don't wanna get killed." I pout.

"You'll have to do it Savay, that's it."

"Papa you are unbearable sometimes." I huff, washing my glass in the sink.

I'm Savannah Maxwell, the daughter of the head Omega Shawn Maxwell. We are under the Crescent pack. I'm twenty one years old but still I haven't found my mate, at this point I think I'm mate-less. It isn't a thing, nobody is 'mate-less' but I guess I'll be the first mate-less wolf. I'm the only child of my parents. It's me, my dad, and my mom. We have a perfect life, in our pack Omegas are not treated lowly like they are treated in the other packs, so we are good with what we get or what we have.

Even being an Omega my father is well respected here. I engage in almost every activity in the pack cuz even when I'm just an Omega, it is my aim to prove to people that we shouldn't be underestimated.

"Savay prepararse tendrás que irte pronto." Mom shouted as I ascended the stairs to go to my room.
Translation: {"Savay prepare, you have to leave soon."}

I forgot to mention that I'm Hispanic. My ancestors were from Mexico. Some generations back my grandfather moved here to Arvada, Colorado. We are okay in English, not so good but I think I'm a lot better than papa and mama.

"De acuerdo mamá," I shouted back.
Translation: {Okay mama,}

I walk inside my room and open my closet to see if I have something suitable for this task. Well, I'll have to run miles from one territory to the other and it's a long way so I guess comfort would be better than fashion today and it's not like I want to impress someone, so why put so much effort?

I took my black hoodie out it's so comfy that it's my favorite, then I took out my black sweatpants they are my favorite too cause they hug my legs in a fitting form and they are movable & soft.

Last but not least I made a ponytail of my long brown hair which have a natural wave to it at the ends, otherwise I have straight dark brown hair but they are naturally curled at the ends they are pretty long and end lower than my butt.

I slipped on my shoes cause no matter how much I get ready, I'll have to go out of the house get naked, then change into my wolf form, and then start my journey.

I wear makeup but not too much, just a bit of everything but this ain't a Desfile de moda.
Translation: {Fashion show.}

Okay.....I don't know every word in English, GUILTY.

I apply a little bit of concealer on my pimples they aren't a lot but they are there.

Then a bit of mascara to make my brown eyes look a bit defined and bigger.

I don't wear lip gloss or anything cause thankfully I have natural blood-red lips, they even give vampire vibes sometimes.

No matter what, I love myself being an Omega my life is still fun and fresh.

I'm happy, my parents, my friends are all happy we have everything we need, we have a perfect life.

I'm not at all weak than the normal wolves, the poor people are Omegas in American packs, not the weaker ones.

People think the weak wolves are Omegas I mean they are....but not in the packs all over America, the poor wolves of a pack are Omegas, not the weak wolves.

So I'm just as powerful as the others, and I couldn't be any happier about the fact.

I have a really good figure as a human and as a wolf.

As a wolf I'm a wooden brown ombre colored wolf with a pretty big frame, my wolf has glassy green eyes.

Her name is Bexley.

She is sweet, polite, and mature which is....opposite of me, I don't want to be a brat but unfortunately, I am according to my parents, but my parents are unfair too it's just not me who's wrong.

As a human I have a pretty good height of 5'7 and a pale skin color which adds more to the Vampire vibes, with an hourglass figure, not to flaunt but my friends say that. My facial features are not too sharp they are thin but cute kinda chubby. You know what I mean.

I have a lot of hobbies singing, writing, reading, horseback riding, dancing, swimming, and whatnot, I love everything and on top of all I LOVE TO PARTY!!!

Just as I thought about that I heard a knock on my bedroom's door.

I opened it to come face to face with My best friend Liah Jameson.

"Hey, mejor amiga!!" I said hugging her tightly.
Translation: {Best friend!!}

"Hey, baby." She hugged me back.

"How are you...are you going out?" Liah asked, looking me up and down.

"Yeah, dad gave me a task he says that Alpha Logan assigned it to me."

"Oh then it's the wrong time I guess..okay no issue you should go, we'll catch up later?"

"Is it anything important?"

"Yeah it is, that's why I'll tell you when we'll have time."

"Yeah, I'll be gone for some time."

"No problem we'll talk sometime later okay?"


"Okay, I'll be going baby." She gave me air kisses and left.

I followed her as I was about to leave too.

"Mamá, ¿dónde está papá ahora?"
Translation: {"Mom, where is dad now?"}

"El Esta en el baño espera aqui." Mom said going to her room to call dad.
Translation: {"He's in the bathroom, wait here,"}

Dad came after 5 minutes, mom behind him.

"Where are the documents?" I asked.

"Here, take these carefully to the Rupen mansion, Alpha Logan trusted you with these okay?"

"Yeah like I was planning on leaking these to the opposing pack." I roll my eyes hard, as I take the documents from him he exaggerates things a lot.

"Voy a llegar tarde, obviamente, está muy lejos, me dejaré entrar, Tengo un adiós!"
Translation: {"I'm going to be late, obviously, it's too far, I'll let myself in goodbye!"}

"Adiós cariño cuidate." Mama and Papa shouted as I walked out of the front door.
Translation: {"Goodbye darling take care."}

Now I have to do only one thing, bring these to the Big Bad Alpha.

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