Chapter 2

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Our packhouse and our house are near the forest to avoid human pedestrians and all.

People know about us but not so much that we start living in the urban areas of the city.

From Arvada, I have to run to Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills for humans, and Rupen Territory for us.

So I got out of my clothes firstly getting cover behind a tree, I placed the documents folder on the ground and removed my clothes.

I changed into my wolf, took the documents and clothes in my mouth, and got ready to run as I heard someone behind me.

Thankfully I was able to mind link that person cause I was not changing back to my human form in front of him.

~~~Through The Mind Link~~~

"Hey, Noah."

"Hey...are you going for a run?"

"Oh no, I'm going for a task."

"Oh, I see."

"Okay then have a safe journey, I'll talk to you later."

"Ummm, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is, I'll tell you later."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead take care."

"You too, bye."


~~Mind Link Ended~~

It was my other best friend Noah Wilton.

Weirdly, first Liah came to tell me something now he's here, I guess I'll have to wait to come back to know what they've got to say.

I turned around and started running it was full sun out at this time, cause the time was probably 7-8 am so.

I ran not so fast cause if I'll run faster in the beginning I'll get tired quickly.

One thing I'm worried about more than myself getting tired in this journey is the Alpha.

Alpha Rupen is the Alpha of the War pack, the strongest pack in all of America.

People say that he is arrogant, rude, ruthless, and everything bad, and like most of the werewolf love stories I know, you must be thinking 'oh he's definitely her mate' Nah, I know that's impossible cause remember, I'm mate-less.

Killing living beings whether a supernatural one or a normal one is his hobby, it's not me it's the people who say, what an interesting hobby. I thought to myself not missing the sarcasm.

They say everything bad about him that he is merciless and rude, he doesn't even smile.

I guess these are some clever tactics to run the strongest pack of America, cause in some cases you have to look heartless if you want to survive in this jackass world, people think they are superior when they are not.

Nobody is perfect and it's fine to be imperfect.

The good thing is that I'm a strong believer in the term 'I believe what I see or hear with my own damn eyes or ears'.

I don't trust rumors and I think that's the best rule I've made for myself it has saved me many times.

It's not like he needs my approval about what I think of him but still even if I call him the big bad alpha I don't think he is.

Maybe he's a kid inside, even a softie you don't know until you see from your own eyes right?

The most rumors to crush his reputation are because he is a Lycan.

It's good for him that he is an alpha and to get more strong if that was possible, he became a Lycan with hard work and all, because becoming a Lycan isn't an easy thing.

People are just jealous of him.

People like to ruin other people's image a lot.

It's common when someone is doing good and well in their life people try to trash talk about them, so I get it.

The problem is I'm hella scared of him I guess he's the only person on earth whom I'm scared of, otherwise I don't give a fuck about anyone's anger or rudeness.

I haven't even seen him, not even a single time but still, I almost poop my pants when I hear stories about him, I don't know if they are true or not but...wait, why do I care and why am I thinking this much about him? I just have to deliver these docs and come back, maybe I won't even have to face the Alpha.

But...still, I'm curious, how does he look like?

Does he look aged or is he young?

I know he hasn't found his mate because he's a famous alpha, the word would travel faster than light if he finds his mate.

Is he hot or something? cause I can use a hot alpha aka Lycan boyfriend if I'm gonna be mate-less for life.

From what I've heard he is the only boy and he has a sister.

He lives with his mother and sister.

His father died long ago so he took the seat of the Alpha at a young age.


I was now standing in front of the massive castle, I was already in the Rupen territory as soon as the guards saw me they got cautious that maybe I'm an intruder or a Rogue.

In a second I was tackled on the ground, hard.

I was in my human form I changed before appearing in front of the palace's entrance.

Someone from behind must've tackled me cause the guards in front of me didn't even move.

When I looked up to see who did that I saw a beautiful man.....yeah, if in this kind of situation a woman says a man is beautiful then think that he must've looked like a cover model.

I couldn't help my eyes as they didn't move from his face when he placed his foot on my stomach to prevent me from moving.

He looked at me with a stern expression.

He had grey eyes, brownish-black hair, and a sexy mustache beard.

He had a perfect build his shirt tightly clinging to his frame.

He was full of tattoos which added more to his sexiness.

And his face was beautiful, Goddess? am I in heaven? did I die hitting the ground or something?

When the guards saw him they immediately came to his side.

"Beta, would you like us to take her inside?" One of the guards asked.

Oh, so he's the Beta, which means if he's so damn hot the Alpha would be a Greek God for sure.

Yeah, yeah take me in and keep me there. I thought to myself.

Finally, it was my time to say something in my defense.

"Beta, I'm here to deliver some documents," I said to the Beta getting up from the ground.

"So that's some new bullshit you want me to buy? what are these?" He snapped, snatching the documents from me.

His voice is so deep and raspy, Goddess please don't torture me like this he's out of my league I'm an Omega he's a Beta, and the Beta of the War pack for crying out loud.

"I'll take her inside myself." The Beta declared grabbing my arm tightly as he dragged me inside the gates of the castle.

The problem now was, where were they taking me and why?

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