Chapter 10

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"Welcome everyone." He smiled hugging dad firstly.

"How are you alpha?" Mom asked as he side hugged her.

"Please mam, Dellilio is fine, and I'm great and happy to see you guys made it." He said further greeting Alpha Logan and Luna.

He greeted everyone but skipped to greet me, no one noticed that, and followed Michael inside the house, Dellilio slowed his pace and stayed behind.

I joined him, side by side.

"Ms.Maxwell." He smiled.

"Alpha." I reciprocated.

"I hope your ride here was pleasant."

"Sure it was Alpha." I smiled but he gave me an eyebrow-raised expression.

"Oh, I mean..Dellilio." I corrected myself by getting the hint.

"I would love to let you enjoy your dinner then we can talk?" He said that more like a question.

"Yes, why not," I said and he smiled in relief.

"You look beautiful today, I've barely averted my eyes from you." He complimented making my heart go wild and also Bexley.

'Shut Up' I nagged cause she started screaming inside my head.

I knew my blush would give it away but still, I collected myself and said.

"Thank you, you look tubular." I smiled.

"Well, I must say I appreciate your choice of words." He smiled goofily as we stopped at the door of his study.

"I'll surely see you soon." He said kissing the back of my hand.

Oh Goddess No! No! No!


'He did but it was the back of your hand.' Bexley sighed, probably drooling this time, and then hee timer went off as she screamed the life out of me when the reality hit her like a truck, that he kissed me even if it was just the back of my hand.

He went inside the room after a brief smiley glance at me and I turned around to find the woman nowhere in sight but my eyes landed on Tristan walking towards where I stood.

"Hey, Tristan!" I waved at him excitedly.

"Good evening Miss, how are you?"

"Am great how are you? I'm lost here can you tell me where the women are?"

"I came here to escort you to the lounge where they are having their evening tea."

"Oh, please sure." I smiled motioning him to walk ahead but he did that to me, so I ended up walking further.

I don't what's with these Rupen territory's men making the woman walking ahead of them.

"Savannah, I thought you got lost in this maze of a castle." Sneka giggled.

"I must say, I did." I laughed.

"Well, come with me I have to tell you so many things." She said dragging me along to her room.

Her room screamed Sneka's name.

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