Chapter 23

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I heard a knock on my room door.

I was staying in Dellilio's room but when I thought mom will try to find me everywhere if she finds out I'm not in my room, so I stay here during the daytime.

"Come in," I shouted.

"Luna." Michael smiled as he opened the door.

I quickly got off of the bed as I settled on the edge of it.

"Beta." I smiled.

"I hope I didn't disturb you." He said.

"Not at all I was waiting for you as Dellilio said that you'll hand me the formation papers," I said.

"Oh yes, these are the papers."

"Beta please come in, it's your house after all." I smiled when I realized he hasn't stepped inside the room.

He came in with a smile.

"But it is more of yours than ours now." He smiled, handing me the file.

"This was the plan for only the Lycan guards, but your pack will change the whole scenario I imagined." He said, taking a seat on the love chairs across the bed.

"I've called Alpha Logan and he's saying that they'll be here by tomorrow morning, our whole pack consists of 1000 people," I said.

"That will be more than better, you know better about your pack so I'll be here for help and you can plan the formation." Michael smiled.

"But don't worry take the whole night, and brief me in the morning?" He asked.

"Yeah, I will, don't worry."

"Okay, then I'll leave you to it, if you need any help or anything just ask Tristan." He smiled as he left.

I opened the file and studied the formation.

It was pretty good and almost the best, knowing the fact that they had only some Lycans, so that was the beat that could've been done, kudos to Michael.

I made my plan all night, correcting every detail, I'll supervise the guards throughout the ceremony.


In the morning I made my way to the meeting room, the first thing in the morning.

I was pretty confident about my formation.

I knocked and Michael's voice came through.

"Come in." I entered but Michael was not alone.

Dellilio and Alpha Logan were also there.

"Good morning." I greeted them with a nervous smile.

"Good morning." Everyone greeted me back.

"I thought it would be only Beta here," I said.

"I was going to be briefed by this eventually so I had to come, same goes with Alpha Rupen." Alpha Logan smiled, side hugging me.

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