Chapter 28

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A week is left in Dellilio's full transformation.

We are on our toes, just so we aren't caught off guard with anything dangerous.

Annie is with me all the time whenever Dellilio is out for some work, Liah visits me now and then.

Sneka is busy with Michael sometimes but when she's free, we three have the whole day to ourselves.

Mom and Dad visited the next day we found out that we were having a baby.

Mom was super excited and dad just kept sobbing out of happiness.

Everyone is happy with this news.

Dellilio fortunately hasn't mentioned anything about sending me back to the Marlowe territory, I'm thankful for that.

Gta is with me all the time, but when Dellilio is around, he can have a breather.

Right now I was getting ready because it was Robert's birthday.

Dellilio gave him a surprise party and Robert ranted against it, saying 'he's too old for parties' but Dellilio shushed him.

I'm experiencing morning sickness, tiredness, and many other pregnancy symptoms but I'm fine, for this little one, I think I can bear all this.

See? this is me one month in, they tell the truth when they say a child and a mother's bond is out of this world.

Dellilio had booked Robert's favorite car for him and it will arrive tomorrow, but fortunately, I had his gift ready already, his favorite watch.

The last time when Sneka, Annie, and I went shopping, Annie pointed out this specific watch, we didn't question how she knew it cause it was normal, nothing to be suspicious about.

But now that I know a lot about these two, I cannot help myself.

Anyways, I got his favorite watch, which he wasn't buying before cause he was too busy to go and buy it himself this man doesn't have time for himself so we all owe him some.

Autumn has started to settle, just the starting not too much thankfully.

I slipped on my dark blue turtleneck with black leather pants, my hair in a ponytail with minimal makeup was an 'okay' look.

Dellilio walked out of the shower, naked.

I panicked as if I haven't seen him like this before.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened insta in record time, pretending as if I didn't notice him walk in cause you know, I was busy; busy pretending that I was not already drooling.

Oh and the best yet the slightly worst part of pregnancy, the horny hormones.

I'm legit a hoe on the inside these days as if I was anything less before, I'm just going loco these days.

In the mood to fuck 24/7.

"Savannah, are mom and dad near yet?" He asked me as he towel-dried his hair, I didn't lookup.

"Umm, let me call mom." I sighed in relief cause nothing can happen while I'm on the call with my mother.

Mom and Dad were invited along with Alpha Logan and Luna.

I dialed mom's number, still not looking up as he walked to the vanity and sprayed perfume on.

"Is this okay? I mean it didn't affect you right?" He asked about the perfume, I looked in front of me, on the wall where the TV was.

"No, no I'm fine, it's okay," I assured him, he cares so much about us two, and we are fortunate to have him.

Little things like putting on too much perfume when I'm in the room, this is what he does with everything and not on the suffocating level where I get annoyed, he keeps in normal so I don't get annoyed by his overprotectiveness.

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