Chapter 25

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Like that we left for the Vampire castle.

It was a forty-minute drive from the Rupen mansion.

Countless cars accompanied us.

I secretly got seated in the car Dellilio was in, I was making sure that I stay close to him.

There is a ball being held at the Vampire Castle and there will be some crowd, I don't want anyone to take advantage of that.

All the kings of all kinds were invited there, special personalities and high authority people.

Sneka was with us, she seemed pretty giddy about going there.

"I'm so excited." She whisper-screamed.

"Me too." I smiled at her, fortunately, Dellilio didn't catch us being mad women.

Soon after a long ride, we were entering the gates of the castle, after ten minutes, I saw the castle in distance like this place was HUGE.

Still, it was in distance and it stood tall, proudly.

Such a beautiful creation of art it looked like from the outside, we still had to see it from the inside.

After some minutes we finally neared the castle, we stopped in front of the entrance doors of the castle, the helpers opened the doors for us and the chauffeurs took our cars away.

Whoa, this was glamorous, I thought as soon as my eyes scanned our surroundings.

The most expensive gentry was all I could see around me.

Women dress stunningly in the best attires, the men looking classy as hell and everything here was super boujee.

The whole place screamed 'high-class event'.

Dellilio walked closely behind me, when we were finally inside the castle, he came closer and placed his hand on the small of my back.

The people that came with us will enjoy the ball and Dellilio's ceremony will take place here, in front of this crowd of thousands, or maybe more.

We met Annie and Michael inside, then after a minute, Robert came.

When we all gathered, Dellilio excused and we both left to greet the Vampire King.

It was not hard to find him, as he was mingling with the latest crowd of guests that just entered the castle.

"Look who blessed the night." King Barnabas chuckled, opening his arms, and hugged Dellilio.

"Wouldn't have missed this for the world, " Dellilio smiled.

"Yeah cause who misses their siring." King joked and making us laugh.

"My mate Savannah Maxwell." Delillio introduced me, "And you already know this famous specimen." Dellilio said gesturing at the King.

"Welcome, Luna." He greeted me, taking my hand in his, kissing the back of it.

"Thanks for having us, King." I smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine, I hope you enjoy your night." He smiled, when a woman came to his side, none other than Aisha Barak.

"Ash, you came at the perfect time, meet Alpha Dellilio Rupen and his mate Luna Savannah Maxwell."

Dellilio greeted her as King greeted me earlier, she looked like a humble person as she smiled widely and genuinely when she hugged me.

"So good to have you guys here, as much as I've heard about Alpha, I must say we were all looking forward to meeting you guys." She smiled.

"I can say the same, mate has been telling me so much about the fierce team of Blood Keepers and how kind the King and Queen are." I smiled.

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