Chapter 16

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"I don't know but he's just giving me the stares and all," I whispered to Liah as we were all having breakfast.

Last night after the party, Dellilio insisted that my family and friends should stay here for the night, so it'll be easy for them to attend today's ball.

"Maybe now that everything has sorted it between you two, maybe he's started to feel the mate bond or is getting possessive over you?" Liah said, looking not so sure herself.

"Don't give me these unsure answers Li, tell me something legit," I whined.

"You know, I think he's starting to feel possessive over you, 'cause now you two are completely connected, just the marking is left." She said and then snapped her head in my direction, startling me, "wait, he still has to mark you...umm, uh it means he's giving you the hints." She winked, nudging me with her shoulder teasingly.

"Bitch, don't play games, tell me what hints?" I demanded.

"Oh, stupid 'the' hints." She said air quoting the word.

"What are these 'the' hints?" I asked.

"Didn't Sneka tell you he's a possessive lover and is kinda wild with the women he dates?"

"She never said wild but she mentioned him being a possessive and passionate lover," I said even though I felt a slight stab in my heart, at the mention of his past women.

"Yeah, yeah I was saying just that, that maybe he's turned on his possessive and passionate mode," Liah said.

"Yeah, maybe," I said with a shrug, not feeling sure about anything.

I dared to look at Dellilio and he was already watching me with intent eyes, I lowered my gaze as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Bexley was going to go loco.

"Shut up bitch!" I ordered.

"You shut up! let me enjoy my time you boring piece of shit!" She spat back and I gasped, rather loudly.

"Is everything okay, Ms. Maxwell?" Michael asked, Sneka had the same question in her expressions.

Mom and dad were also looking at me intently.

"Oh, just the food is so good." I smiled, trying badly for everyone to buy my lie.

"Oh, yeah Mr.Brandon is a great cook, everyone pays their compliments to him after they taste his food, even if just for once." Sneka smiled.

"I would be doing the same." I smiled.

"What did Bex say?" Liah asked me, she knew why I gasped.

"She called me a boring piece of shit," I whispered, feeling steam coming out of my ears.

Liah's jaw was slack now, her hand covering her mouth.

"Bexley is getting out of control, it's better if you mark each other before she does something crazy, like choke-kill you or something," Liah warned.

"Yeah, you give her ideas to choke-kill me, she will now if she wasn't intending to before." I shook my head in disbelief of these two women, who are meant to be my knights in shining heels.

Soon I was done with the food, so I sat there and waited for Liah or even Sneka to be free.

Sneka got up, she knew I was also done and in the meantime, Liah had also finished her food.

So we three excused ourselves and went to Sneka and Michael's room.

I forgot about Michael when we came here last time, thinking that maybe these bold colors are only Sneka's choice, but turns out they are both of them's.

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