Chapter 27

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It's been a week since we found out that I'm pregnant.

When the doctor left that day, I was crushed with congratulatory hugs.

Dellilio didn't say anything until everyone was out of the room.

He paced from one corner to the other, chuckling to himself.

"I can't believe this." He said to me.

"Neither can I," I whispered, when it dawned on me, now Dellilio will do anything to send me back to the Marlowe Territory.

He came to me, took a seat on the bed's edge, and kissed me.

"Thank you, you're fine right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled.

"I stills can't believe this Savannah and this is why I'm being like this." He laughed at himself, "I don't know what to do, it's just such an unfamiliar feeling." He smiled adoringly at me.

"Same goes for me, I'm very happy, so much that I feel like I'll faint with happiness." I giggled.

"No." He said immediately, " I mean don't faint, if you're not feeling good then I can step out and call the doctor again." He said before trying to get up, I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Dellilio you're acting too much panicked, relax, and don't worry I'm fine," I told
he and he sat back at his previous spot.

Took a deep breath and his 'normal Dellilio look was back.

He smiled proudly.

"I still can't believe this, but I'm as happy as one can be, all you've brought to me, to this house, to the people of this house are blessings, from the first day you stepped in, I've been experiencing only success in all my plans, I won't be lying if I say that you've made me the luckiest man alive mate." He smiled and leaned closer, attaching his lips softly to mine.

My heart swelled at all the things he said.

"I love you." I smiled against his lips.

"I love you too." He smiled before pulling away, his eyes drifted to my belly and then an unbelievable smile made its way to his lips.

"Me too." I giggled, knowing he'd say 'I still can't believe' again, and he chuckled as he nodded.

"This feeling is different than any other, and I don't know how to explain it, Zeus is going crazy, he may get drunk tonight." He laughed and that made me laugh too.

"Is he an alcohol-loving guy?" I asked.

"He's an everything-loving guy." Dellilio snorted and then closed his eyes abruptly, Zeus was here.


"Zeus!" We cheered as we hugged each other.

"Hey hey hey, don't jump like this, move carefully." He said as soon as my arms were completely wrapped around him.

"Sorry," I said, pulling away from a little, with a small nervous smile.

"I'm so happy, congrats mate, we'll have our pup soon." He said slowly, maybe trying to digest his own words.

His hand caressed my cheek as his eyes met mine and scanned my face as if looking for something.

"Thank you mate." I kissed him, he smiled fondly between the kiss, gently placed his hand behind my neck, and pulled me close.

I sat on his lap, straddling him.

I felt him grab my butt to pull me even closer, we pulled away breathless.

"I'm so looking forward to this." His knuckles gently grazed my belly from under my shirt.

"Me too." I smiled as I kissed him one more time and Dellilio came back again.

"Maybe you should listen to Bexley too, or else I'll go back and leave you with Zeus." Dellilio gave me a fake pissed expression.

"It isn't like Zeus is bad that you're threatening to leave me with him, you can have this little brat." I snorted and Bex barked inside my head.

"Don't you dare insult me in front of my mate!" She ranted.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes at her behavior.

"Well, everything aside, let's tell mom and Robie and then I'll call the doctor and ask what should we do further, you good right now?" He asked and I nodded.

"Good then, now we'll have to take care of you, even more, Gerard will be with you twenty-four-seven and you'll be with me twenty-four seven, you won't even get yourself a glass of water, just order me or Gerard." He ordered and I nodded.

"Good, I've told you this before to not get up and do anything just sit here like a queen but Savannah can't listen to nobody, now I have a reason and like you managed my safety during the ceremony cause you care about me and wanted to make sure I'm safe, I'll do the same for these nine months, I don't demand you to trust me with your life but I want you to someday, for right now, I'll take care of you and that's final." He smiled, taking my face between his hands and kissing my forehead as his thumbs caressed my cheeks softly.

"How do you not know that I trust you the most, even though you are my mate, you should know, I mean you must know how I depend on you for several things and how I look up to you, what I think of you as a mate," I said and he smiled at me.

"I know everything but I still haven't made peace with the fact that you're my mate, and now this, you have to give a blessed guy some time to get his shit together, so let me digest all of this slowly cause we have all of our life ahead of us." I took his hand and pressed a kiss in my palm, smiled and we heard a knock on the door before it opened.

"Mamma," Dellilio whispered before getting up and crushing her in a hug.

"Delli, I'm so happy for you two." She said as she cried between the hug, Robert entered then.

"Savannah." Annie gushed as she neared me and then hugged me carefully.

Robert looked like a proud dad as he congratulated Dellilio and then me.

"This is the best day of our lives, this is the first news of happiness and blessings upon the Rupen territory, and there are a lot more to come I can tell." Robert smiled and Annie nodded with a smile.

"After so long we'll see happiness face to face, this child will change our lives," Annie said to both of us.

"I can't wait to meet him or her." Annie gushed.

"Or maybe..them?" Robert chuckled with a funny expression and we all laughed at that, I blushed a little too, for an unknown reason.

"We'll leave you two alone now, take rest okay baby, the hour when the whole world will know that you two are mates and you're pregnant, I swear, I'll make every pack pf our kind decorate like a bride, I want to celebrate this so bad." Annie pouted.

"You will Luna, but for now let's go or you'll just bring up reason after reason to not leave Savannah's company," Robert said and ushered Annie out with a laugh after waving us two.

Dellilio smiled at their retreating figures, a strange smile crept on his lips.

I wonder what he was thinking.

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