Chapter 31

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"Everything is done?" I asked Michael.

"Yup, we just have to wait for a few minutes before the Lycans arrive," Michael answered, entering my study.

"I called Shaw earlier and he said they'll be arriving soon," Michael informed.

Shaw Lowell is the boss, the highest-ranked in the Lycans, he was the first Lycan.

I was one of his best warriors, according to him.

"Shaw is bringing 15,000 Lycans, after so many Lycans do we even need our pack warriors?" I asked Michael.

"Nah, I don't think so, what do you say, we lessen our warriors, just take some of them to bring the Oracles and sirens back here?"

"Yeah, get 500 warriors and tell the rest to stay back here to guard, I need fifty warriors including GTA as Savannah puts it, to guard her, Sneka will be leading the guards here, mom and Robbie can sit back and relax," I ordered.

"Okay, I'll go and get it done."

Then I got the scent of my mate, she was walking towards the study.

"Let Savannah in," I told Michael as he opened the door for himself.

Savannah stood there, looking like she was about to knock.

Michael gestured her to walk in with a smile, and she smiled back with a 'Thank you

Michael closed the door behind, as he walked out.

I got up and walked towards her.

"Dellilio." She started speaking, but I placed my hands on her shoulders and dragged her to my seat, pushed her down on it.

"Now, continue," I said, taking a seat on the edge of the table in front of her.

"I-i wanted to know what's going on?"

"We are striking at Gravebell as I told you before that Bridget sent Darren to...kill you, Lycans are about to be here any minute, I got King Jasper's approval and we'll make sure to keep children and women out of this."

"Okay...but what about Gravebell?"

"We plan to get every innocent out of there, or just simply not hurt them, we'll get the hidden Sirens out from there to hand them to King Barnabas, then we will drag Bridget with us or simply kill her, the other high ranked Oracles like Kasandra will accompany us back here cause I want to know what their problem is."

"And our war with Gravebell will trigger the Oracles around Moonville a lot, the real Oracles will be ready to go head to head with our kinda as they've already started showing their true colors to King Barnabas by shaking hands with his biggest enemy, if they aren't of the king, then they aren't ours as well."

She nodded, thinking about it.

"Does mate approve of this?" I asked with an amused smile, admiring her expressions change.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She smiled genuinely.

"Then we'll go ahead, how are you feeling today?" I asked.

"Good, kinda nervous but good." She smiled coyly, staring at her hands.

"Good is fine, I'll have guards to protect you, and don't stress out, we'll be okay there."

"I hope, what's the plan for the warriors?"

"Nothing much, our 500 warriors will accompany us there, 15,000 Lycans will also, and then we'll go get the Sirens out of there for King Barnabas and that's it, we will possess Gravebell's land and see what'll do with the public after."

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