Chapter 7

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"Maldigo el momento en que pensé por un segundo que decirte que encontré a mi pareja es una buena decisión!!" I shouted at dad.

Translation: {"I curse the moment when I thought for a second that telling you that I've found my partner is a good decision!!"}

"¿Esperas que no le diga a nadie que mi hija finalmente encontró un compañero y que él es el jodido alfa de Lycan?!" Dad shouted back.

Translation:{" Do you expect me not to tell anyone that my daughter finally found a partner and that he is the fucking Lycan Alpha?!"}

"¡Si! porque ahora no sé si alguien corre la voz de lo que me hará Rupen. Ni siquiera sé si todavía me ha aceptado papá, se suponía que esto era un secreto y le dijiste a toda la ciudad de Arvada!!" I cried out.

Translation: {" Yes! Because now I don't know what Rupen will do to me if someone spreads the word, Dad I don't even know if he has still accepted me, this was supposed to be a secret and you told the whole city of Arvada!!}

"¿Por qué no pueden parar? Savay, le pediré a alpha Logan que anuncie en el paquete que esta noticia no debería salir a ningún costo." She told me with a sincere look, "y tú mi amor, por favor, solo admite que lo que hiciste estuvo mal, no hay ningún daño en la aceptación y de ahora en adelante ambos permanecerán jodidamente bastante."

Translation:{"Why won't they stop? Savay, I will ask alpha Logan to announce to the pack, that this news should not come out at any cost."}

She told me with a sincere look,

Translation: {"and you my love, please, just admit that what you did was wrong, there is no harm in accepting and from now on both of you will remain fucking quite."}

"La cena está lista." Mom announced and I wiped my eyes.

Translation: {"Dinner is ready."}

"No tengo hambre, solo voy a dormir." I whispered ascending the stairs to my room.

Translation: {"I'm not hungry, I'm just going to sleep.}

"No te preocupes cariño, todo estará bien, me aseguraré de eso, por favor, no seas duro contigo mismo." Mom shouted as I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

Translation:{"Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine, I'll make sure of that, please don't be tough on yourself."}


Two days have passed now.

Like every night after tossing and turning in my bed, I finally gave up when the sun rose.

I took a long shower, asked myself what's wrong with me?

There was only one answer.

The mate bond.

Even though I've said many times that I won't have any hard feelings towards him if he rejects me, still I know deep down I'll shatter into pieces if my mate will reject me, but the bigger problem here is that I'm scared that if he gets the whiff of this, that I told my whole town about us being mates he'll think I'm a cheap and desperate girl which I'm not.

But that's not the issue either, the issue is that if he thinks this about me, these thoughts will force him to reject me if he's not planning on doing so.

I finally slipped on my clothes and combed my hair when mom called.


"¡¿Si mamá?!"

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