Chapter 22

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Savannah's P.O.V:

I've been sitting alone, thinking about one specific thing for the last three hours.

Dellilio shared with me that, they are planning on protecting the siring ceremony.

Even though there won't be any issue at King Barnabas' castle, it is still our responsibility to escort Dellilio there and make sure that he returns in one piece.

There will be a blood ceremony here, and at the  Vampire castle, so we have to make sure the part of it here goes without any interruption, cause if the Oracles are willing to strike a war, then sabotaging a ceremony will be on the top of their list.

Dellilio will have some Lycans who will guard the Rupen mansion, but Lycan guards are not enough to guard this huge ceremony.

Lycan warriors are something different, they don't guard castles for others, it's like an insult to their abilities.

Lycan warriors were a big no, so Lycan guards are already appointed, there is a rank difference between the Lycan warriors and the guards.

The Lycan guards especially become a Lycan for guarding purposes, while the warriors become Lycan to solely enhance their abilities, just like Dellilio did.

The total amount of Lycan guards in the whole of America is forty, and he appointed all forty of them.

But this place and ceremony need a lot more than forty Lycans.

"Dellilio," I said as I entered his study, I've decided what I'm gonna do.

"Mate." He smiled, looking up from his laptop.

"I've planned something."

"For what?" He asked, his eyebrows raised in amused confusion.

"For your blood ceremony, our pack will guard Rupen mansion and I will build the formation." I cut straight to the chase.

He looked at me with a small smile for a minute.

"I would love that." He finally said with a proud-looking grin.

"I'll get Alpha Logan and the whole pack here, by tomorrow and then I'll also be giving the formation of the Lycans, trust me with this, I'll do it and I know that I should not take this responsibility if I ain't sure about this, but I am sure, in fact, hella sure." I smiled, looking more than sure.

"Then, who am I to stop you, you'll lead the formation and Michael will help you with anything that you'll need." He said, leaning back in his chair.

"Really." It left my mouth like a whisper, I was not expecting him to even like my idea.

"Dellilio do you trust me this much, to just give all the management of the security in my hands, I mean on this kinda day?" I asked, a bit shocked, I trust him with my life, and now that we are mates, I trust him the most on the planet but it's still surprising to get the same amount of trust for the other person, even though I know we are mates and he loves me, and we are marked, it still gets me by surprise.

"Of course, I trust you more than anyone, and if I won't trust you then who?" He smiled, sincerely, "I know that you care for me that much that you will not make any mistakes, and you won't let harm near me or the ceremony." He explained.

"Awww," Bexley said, she's spoken after three weeks now, she as silent as she was dead, but now she's talking.

This moody bitch.

"Yeah, aww." Dellilio chuckled.

I forgot that whatever Bexley will say, Dellilio and Zeus will both hear it.

Just like whatever Zeus will say, Bex and I will both hear it.

I couldn't help but giggle and blush at the same time, at Dellilio's reply.

"Don't mind her, she's ju-" He stopped me before I could finish my sentence.

"Savannah you do realize that she is our mate, and we are happy with however she is, she is the only one who doesn't need to explain herself for any of her actions, and by her I mean both; you and her." He laughed.

"I just..forget sometimes." I laughed nervously.

He smiled saying.

"By the way don't worry about anything, by the nighttime you'll get the formation that I made, but merging the pack will be something bigger, so you'll receive the papers soon and it's all up to you then." He said with an assuring smile.

"Thank you." I smiled as I was about to turn and leave, but his faltering smile stopped me for some reason.

He got up from his seat and his smile turned into a smirk, as he stalked towards me.

I felt goosebumps rise all over my body, and he was just walking towards me; nothing more.

He neared me like I was his prey, I involuntarily took a step back.

I don't know how my back touched the door, as he came so close that now we were merely inches away.

My breathing slowly escalated from calm to a bit erratic.

He looked at me with eyes full of adoration like he was in awe.

After a brief smile, he placed his hands on both sides of my head, caging me in.

"Dellilio," I whispered as his gaze fell to my lips, I found mine falling at his lips.

He smiled before engulfing my lips in his.

In the slowest yet the most sensual, thorough kiss.

None of us seemed to be in a hurry.

My hands usually clutched his shirt, and his hands grabbed my waist.

I was getting myself familiar with this feeling, I know I won't get enough of this but I can try to get used to it.

His lips softly touched mine, and my lips softly caressed his.

But I know this was us being controlling of ourselves, we were being patient, our furrowed brows and erratic breathing was a giveaway that we wanted a kiss so hard, that none of us would have to say I love you to the other anymore, the kiss would be so thorough and explaining, but we kissed slowly, enjoying this slow motion of our lips.

A soft moan, left my lips when his skilled lips moved lower.

His hands traveled upwards, touching every curve of my body as they stopped right under my breasts.

His lips were inches close to his given mark.

My hands automatically tightened their grip on his shirt, bracing myself for the impact.

And he finally kissed his mark, slowly, letting his lips linger there, stick there as he had pressed wet kisses along my jaw earlier.

He kissed my mark the slowest as he massaged my breasts as if I was not on the verge of orgasming here, already; he massaged my breasts in such a way that I moaned, throwing my head back.

The kiss was enough to make me cum, but the massaging was a cherry on the top.

"Do you like when I do this mate?" He asked, kissing my collarbone, I knew he was asking about him touching my breasts just when he kissed his given mark.

His voice was so throaty and heavy with breathlessness that I felt myself moan silently, as it also gave me some kind of pleasure.

"Hmm." All I could do was moan, biting my lip I still hummed a moan, I could feel him smirk as he moved ahead.

I knew where this was leading to.

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