Chapter 8

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"Savay, ven a la reunión alfa Logan te quiere aquí, eres el futuro jefe Omega." Mom mind linked me.

Translation:{"Savay, come to the meeting Alpha Logan wants you here, you are the future Omega head."}

"Ya te dije mamá, no voy a venir." I hissed.

Translation: {"I already told you mom, I'm not going to come."}

Just when I was busy doing this I heard the front door of the packhouse open, I panicked and hid behind a bush near.

It was mama.

"Gosh mama, I've told you I'm not coming okay?"

"Savay stop being childish come with me, or else I'll start asking Alpha Rupen about you and you know I'll do just this." She threatened.

"What's fucking wrong with you guys?!" I breathed.

"Language Savannah, now come," Mama warned.

"You two just wait, I'll deal with you when he'll leave." I hiss, stomping inside the packhouse.

My hands shake and I couldn't make myself open the door to the meeting room.

"Reina del drama," Mama whispered, standing next to me.

Translation:{" Drama queen,"}

I was about to start ranting when she opened the door before I could grip the handle myself.

The second the door creaked open, Dellilio's eyes landed on me.

I don't know if his expressions were tensed before but I felt his posture relax visibly.

I bowed my head in front of Michael and Dellilio as a greeting and they did the same.

"So happy to finally meet you as we promised." Michael smiled.

"And we are very happy to have you and Alpha here." I smiled.

"Savannah I was telling Alpha and Beta how efficient you are at healing wolves." Alpha Logan smiled proudly.

"Yeah, we are discussing the normal duties of everyone here at the pack, which led us to you and your brilliant healing skills." Michael smiled.

"It's just Alpha being too kind, I'm not that great I just try my best." I blushed, stealing glances at Dellilio.

"Well, we wanted to invite you all to lunch, at the Rupen Territory," Michael announced.

"As finally, we had a reunion with our loyal friend, Mr. Maxwell we would love to host you all." Michael cleared.

"But we've met before Beta, this is too much." Dad smiled hesitantly.

"Let me rephrase it, as we have finally met Miss Savannah, we would love to host you all at the Rupen territory, our late Alpha was a friend of yours so it was about time that we met Savannah, you know bonding time for your next generations," Michael said to dad.

"Sneka is waiting eagerly to meet Miss Savannah, and like this, we'll have our first reunion dinner under my rule." Dellilio smiled slightly.

"If you insist Alpha," Derek said eyeing us all, Derek, our Beta.

"We won't let your visits at the Rupen Territory lessen Mr. Maxwell," Dellilio said to dad.

"I wouldn't dare Alpha."

"Now I think we should discuss business Alpha Logan, and we'll surely chit chat after," Michael said with a slight smile.

"Sure you people can continue," Mama said getting up from her seat.

"Beta Michael knows the business here, I would love if Miss Savannah will give me a tour of the pack grounds if she has time," Dellilio suggested making my heart go into a frenzy.

Mama and Papa looked at me expectantly.

"Sure, I would love to." I forced a smile to hide my blush and sweat at the same time.

Giving a tour to Dellilio, he and I alone.

This sole thought made me shiver.

He motioned me to walk ahead, so I did and mama followed me behind.

He walked out of the meeting room with us and closed the door lightly behind him.

"I'll let you two go on with the tour while I run some errands, I hope you don't mind Alpha." Mama smiled widely.

"Not at all Mrs. Maxwell, don't let us keep you." He smiled in return and mother didn't waste a minute to leave.

"I hope you didn't mind me encouraging this tour?" Dellilio asked as soon as mama left.

"I don't Alpha." I smiled genuinely, suddenly finding my lost senses.

"You look beautiful." He complimented and I couldn't help the blush that appeared on my cheeks.

"Thanks, Alpha, you're also looking m- elegant as always." I stuttered when I was just about to call him 'mouthwatering'.

"Thank you, and Dellilio is fine Savannah." He pushed.


"These are the training fields." I showed him.

"Do you train?" He asked.

"I do thrice in a week, with the schedule I have training thrice is a blessing." I breathed out.

"Is your schedule that packed?" He asked.

"It isn't so much but umm.. never mind why am I even talking about my schedule right now," I said dismissively waving my hand.

Through this little tour around the pack grounds, I found out that Dellilio has great humor and he's not awkward to talk to, when he has company he gets all business freaky, but when he's alone with someone, he tends to talk to the person comfortably and I didn't feel awkward at any point.

"Savannah I would appreciate it if you'll join us at the dinner." He said as our tour came to an end.

"I'll be there for sure Dellilio."

"I just wanted to make sure you'll be coming."

"I will be," I said with an assuring smile.

"Uh no pressure, but I want to talk to you about something I hope you don't mind." He said pausing between words.

"Yeah no problem I want to discuss something too," I whispered.

"Great the-" He was interrupted mid-sentence when mama coughed, we were standing just inside the packhouse near the front door.

"Alpha, Beta Theodore is done and he wanted to know if you were free?"

"I am Mrs. Maxwell, please walk ahead." He said motioning to mother after a glance at me.

"I'll be waiting to see you all at the Rupen mansion." Dellilio urged dad.

"I'll be there Alpha," Dad said with a sincere smile.

"I hope you all come." Michael smiled for the last time and they left finally.

I suddenly felt myself get excited with the curiosity of what Dellilio wants to talk about, thank Goddess the hurdle of me talking to him openly got passed today.

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