Chapter 3

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The Beta dragged me inside the mansion's doors.

I finally found my voice to ask him.

"Beta, where are you taking me and why? I haven't done anything wrong." He didn't answer my question.

What have I gotten myself into, I fucking told papa to not make me do this.

"¡Mataré a papá si me meto en problemas por su culpa!"I cursed in a whisper and that got him speaking.

Translation: {"I'll kill Dad if I get in trouble because of him!"}

"What did you just say?"


"I'm not deaf tell me what did you just say?"

"Only if you'll listen, I'm not a rogue or an intruder I just came here from the Crescent pack to give these documents to Alpha Rupen they are sent by Alpha Logan," I said it all in one single breath and a harsh tone, thinking this will be the only time he'll let me explain myself because till now he didn't let me utter a single word.

"You're sent by Alpha Logan Mancuso?"

"Yes that same Alpha of Crescent pack, I'm the daughter of the head of Omegas there."

He seemed to relax a bit as he released my arm and looked at me as if contemplating about if he should believe me or not.

"Follow me." It was all he commanded and I went where he was going.

He held the documents now, why am I still here the Beta got the docs now what?

We stopped in front of a huge door which was so huge I assumed that behind it, there's a throne room kind of room where Alpha listens to people's problems.

They aren't royalty but they are treated just like that.

Alpha Rupen is the Alpha of probably the second strongest pack in almost the freaking world so why wouldn't he have rich and mannered ethics?

There were two guards outside those doors also, the Beta was walking ahead of me so when he stopped, I stopped right next to him.

"Tell Alpha, Beta Michael is here and he has an emergency." He said looking at me with a quite a bipolar guy he is, one minute dragging me the next minute smirking at me.

I finally got his name, Michael.

The interior of the palace is all black and golden real classy huh?

The doors were glassy black with a Golden lining at the edges.

The guard bowed to Michael and closed his eyes, maybe he mind linked Alpha Rupen but why didn't Michael did that he's the Beta...Goddess, he's confusing.

The guard opened the door and Michael walked inside gesturing for me to follow him, I walked behind him and it was indeed a throne room.

Near the throne, a tall man was standing, his back facing us it looked like he was reading something from a file in his hands.

He was dressed in a figure-hugging white button-up, even more, built up than Michael, he wore khaki pants.

He looked so good from behind I was scared to see the front now, scared like in a good way.

Even his back and the style of standing screamed ALPHA, he must be intimidating.

"Alpha Del-" Micheal was cut short as the Alpha turned around before Michael could finish his sentence, the Alpha looked panicky but when I took in his appearance I forgot to breathe for a moment and not in a perverted way, in fact in an awestrucked way.

You know when you see something so beautiful that you go speechless, that was the moment for me. I was right if the Beta was wow the Alpha would be WOW and he was WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!

The alpha had baby blue eyes just like mine.

He had the most beautiful face in the world, I'm not exaggerating but his jawline could cutthroats.

He's medium built not too big not too little, plump red lips were to die for, his skin not too tan not too pale, and his hair, ugh! I can't even process my mind with this much hotness around me.

His hair was the sexiest and the most perfect hair to ever exist, he looked magnificent from the front his shirt cuffs were folded till below his elbow which looked so sexy.

His eyes turned dark as he looked at me, he looked panicked, surprised, and tensed for some reason maybe he had something to say, I couldn't put a finger on it.

Michael looked at him and his eyes went a bit wide, then he looked at me and I swear I heard a little gulping sound from him.

But then Michael cleared his throat and the Alpha's eyes changed back to their natural color and his expressions relaxed a little bit.

He immediately averted his gaze from mine and looked at Michael.

"Alpha these are the council documents from Alpha Logan of the Crescent pack you asked for," Michael said walking forward and handing him the documents when I looked back at the Alpha I caught him staring at me but it wasn't in a creepy way, he looked at me with an adorable expression which was weird, he immediately looked at the documents but I already caught him red-handed.

The Alpha nodded at him and Michael stepped back, standing next to me he spoke again.

"She brought these here, but she was caught suspiciously lurking around the mansion when I was on my routine round." I looked at him with my mouth hung open and wide eyes, what a freakin' liar?! I so badly wanted to kill him right there and then.

This is no joke, the Alpha could get furious and could probably punish me for something I haven't done.

The Alpha looked at me like he wanted me to say something in my defense so I decided to speak.

"Al-Alpha it's not like that, there is a misunderstanding." When I said the first word he briefly closed his eyes and opened them looking at me.

"What's the misunderstanding then?" Michael asked in a mocking tone.

"Alpha my whole purpose to come here was the documents, if I was here to deliver them why will I lurk suspiciously around? I stopped in the front to catch my breath when Beta tackled me to the ground." When I finished my statement the Alpha growled making me get chills as the whole room vibrated.

He closed his eyes taking deep breaths, as I observed the movement of his stomach when he opened them they were blood red and he looked at Micheal like he wanted to kill him.

Michael gulped again and closed his eyes, I guess they mind linked something cause then Alpha's eyes turned back to normal slowly.

The Alpha nodded looking at me, as he leaned against the big throne chair or whatever it is, I gulped....he's just so beautiful.

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