Chapter 21

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Dellilio's P.O.V:

"Good evening, Alpha." Oracle Bridgit said as soon as she saw me walking in.

"Good evening Oracle, I see you brought some rather dangerous news," I said taking a seat from across her.

"You were informed correctly, it's chaos at Gravebell," Oracle said.

"I don't wanna sound cocky but I'll ask you the last time, why do the Oracles of Gravebell even dare to challenge our kind in a war? aren't they aware of our strength and I'm not just only talking about physical strengths but the population?" I said.

She chuckled bitterly.

"I'm aware of that Alpha but my people aren't, I've tried to reason with them but they are even making my life hell there." She said.

"I've reasoned that we are the fallen Oracles, we can't use any of our abilities because it is forbidden, the Vampire King and the Werewolf King are the only two people who asked the Moon Goddess to let us use our powers again, otherwise we could've been as useless as a dead rat." She continued.

"But they are just not having it, and they are torturing me there; saying that I'm a traitor, Alpha I'm not a traitor, I'm just trying to give back to the people who helped us in our toughest times, is this wrong? no, it isn't for me, but for everyone at Gravebell it is." She said wiping away a stray tear.

"Trust me Oracle, we understand your problem and we're happy to help if you need any." I offered.

"There is nothing you can help me with Alpha, Oracle Kasandra is mad and she wants to strike a war as I've told you that before, but..can you stop this war from happening?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Oracle, but I'm not going to do that, cause there is no point how can I prevent the war from happening, surrender? no, so do I ask her to please let me become a Hybrid and please be happy for me? no, so there is no solution to this problem and you think closely there is not a solution that I can work with." I sighed.

"I understand Alpha, and I'm glad that you decided to give it a thought, but I want you to know that I'm not safe there, they will kill me if they'll make their mind, and they will never accept me if you became a Hybrid."

"What if we make a deal?" I asked.

"What kind of?" She asked.

"We make a deal that if the Oracles win the war then I'll drop the idea of becoming a Hybrid, and if we win then you'll be the next Oracle leader, of the Oracles of Gravebell of course, not the whole kind cause you don't have to do anything with the other Oracles, out of Gravebell."

"In short, you'll lead Gravebell," Michael said.

Oracle was lost in thoughts for a second before she spoke.

"Okay Alpha, but first let's just get this war out of the way, cause when this will be over, then I'll have a clear picture of the scene in front of me, so I'll contemplate my options and see what I can do to hold my ground at Gravebell." She sighed.

"Fair enough, just give me two weeks and I'll give you Gravebell." I smiled, fake smiled but wanted her to buy it.

"Okay Alpha." She said getting up, "thank you so much." She smiled before leaving, Michael led her outside.

After she was gone he came back.

"What did you just do Delli?" He asked in surprise.

"It was a difficult decision but I had no time to think about it, what we are aiming for is bigger than Gravebell so the ant that is helping us when the roaches are at her neck, is a brave and but still to make her follow our orders and plans, we had to give up something and what's better than Gravebell's lead, and Gravebell is not a big thing," I said.

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